Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) is a popular mobile application development framework originally created by Nitobi. Adobe Systems purchased Nitobi in 2011, rebranded it as PhoneGap, and later released an open source version of the software called Apache Cordova. jQuery Mobile…
Tag: thesis titles in it
Socio-Academic Web Portal for Administrator, Teachers, Students and Stake Holders
Socio-Academic Web Portal for Administrator, Teachers, Students and Stake Holders Project Context The existing way of updating students about the concerns inside the school, up-coming events and school activities is putting a piece of paper in the bulletin board…
Integrated Enrolment with Student Kiosk System
Integrated Enrollment with Student Kiosk System Scope of the Project This study seeks to develop a system that will address the following: To implement a fast, easy and systematic way of conducting student profiling, enrolment, and assessment. To properly manage…
Rice Sales and Inventory System
Rice Sales and Inventory System About the Project The researchers would like to help find solutions to the problem of Sales and Inventory system of store owners. Somehow this study would deepen the understanding of the researchers about marketing and…
Online Grading and Grade Viewing System
The proposed system is an Online Grading and Grade Viewing System using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. Objectives of the Study General Objectives To design and develop an Online Grading and Grade Viewing System for the College of Computer Studies. Specifically,…
Math Learning Application (android, lan-based version)
Math Learning Application (android, lan-based version) Learning Mathematics in early grades is memorizing the tables that involve the four basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Memorizing alone does not help a pupil to understand the real meaning…
Grading System in Visual Basic Free Download Source code
Database schema tblAdminUser (id, fullname, username, password) tblStudent (id, studentNo, fname, middlename, lastname, gender, age, contact ) tblSubject (id, subjectname, subjectcode) tblGrades (id, studentNo, attendanceScore, projectScore, quizScore, labScore, examScore, finalGrade, status, term)
Student Council Voting System Free Download Source code
Student Council Voting System Free Download Source code Forms included in the package: AboutFrm.frm BackupFrm.frm BackupLocFrm.frm bg.frm CandidateFrm.frm CanvassingFrm.frm CodeGenFrm.frm CourseFrm.frm FormNeon.frm frmPrintCodes.frm LoginFrm.frm MainFrm.frm PartyFrm.frm PositionFrm.frm UserFrm.frm ViewCodesFrm.frm VotingCode.frm VotingCodeGenFrm.frm VotingFrm.frm WinnersFrm.frm
Faculty Evaluation System Free Download Source code
Faculty Evaluation System Free Download Source code Forms included in the package: AboutFrm.frm AdminFrm.frm BackupFrm.frm BackupLocFrm.frm CommentFrm.frm DBFrm.frm FacultyInfoFrm.frm LoginFrm.frm MenuFrm.frm QuestionCategoryFrm.frm QuestionsFrm.frm RatingFrm.frm StudentInfoFrm.frm SubjectInfoFrm.frm ViewCommentFrm.frm ViewEvaluationFrm.frm ViewOverAll.frm
Lan Based Student Council Voting System
Lan Based Student Council Voting System Introduction Computer technology has been a great help to the improvement of one’s life. Most establishments, corporations and institutions had developed their own use of such technology to help themselves work more efficiently with…