Computer technology has greatly aided in the enhancement of one’s life. Most businesses, corporations, and institutions had developed their own applications of such technology to help them work more efficiently with less time and effort, resulting in more production, profit,…
Tag: thesis titles in information technology
IT and IS Capstone Project Ideas June 2020 Compilation
IT and IS Capstone Project Ideas June 2020 Compilation Barangay Management System Development Part 1 – Introduction We have create a series tutorial on the development of barangay management system. In the first part of the tutorial, we have discussed…
Product Delivery Monitoring System Chapter 4 Documentation
Product Delivery Monitoring System Chapter 4 Documentation CHAPTER IV METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the requirements analysis and documentation, design of software and processes, development method and testing, system prototype and description, implementation plan and results.
Grade Management System Chapter 5 Documentation
Grade Management System Chapter 5 Documentation CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation based on the findings of the study. Summary After conducting the research, the data gathered which includes the research method…
Offline Game Based Learning App Chapter 4 Documentation
Offline Game Based Learning App Chapter 4 Documentation CHAPTER IV Documentation METHODOLOGY This chapter deals with the method used by the researchers in conducting the study, its results and discussion. Interview is one of the tools employed in the investigation…
Math Learning Application Chapter 5 Capstone Documentation
Math Learning Application Chapter 5 Capstone Documentation CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter of the research presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations from the investigation.
Arduino Based Visitor Counter Technical Background
Arduino Based Visitor Counter Technical Background TECHNICAL BACKGROUND The developed system includes the following component used by the researcher. Software Application used for Development The researchers used software application for the development of the system; researcher used Arduino Integrated Development…
Social Networking Capstone Project Chapter 5 Documentation
Social Networking Capstone Project Chapter 5 Documentation CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATION Summary of Findings The Resume of study’s objective is to obtain the level of awareness of students, faculty and staff and conducting survey as a requirement to meet…
Faculty Evaluation System in PHP Chapter 1
Faculty Evaluation System in PHP Chapter 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Computer nowadays is a basic need for business on companies. It helps a lot in such a way that it makes work more progressive and productive. It is an important…
Dictionary and Translator App Capstone Project Documentation
Dictionary and Translator App Capstone Project Documentation CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The Philippines’ national language is called Filipino. On the other hand, dialects are variations of a language and, in the Philippines case, are spoken in…