Magnetic-based Door Lock Security System using Face ID w/ SMS Notification RATIONALE Nowadays, crimes are everywhere. Even housebreaking involve in this kind of crime, there are factors why these crimes are happening around us. Most of it caused by carelessness…
Tag: thesis documentation for information technology
Water Refilling Station Inventory and Monitoring System
Water Refilling Station Inventory and Monitoring System List of Features Records Customer Details (create, update, delete customer information) Product Details (create, update, delete product/container information) Delivery Details (records of delivery to clients) Reports and Transactions Inventory of Containers (real time…
Mobile Based Device Tracking System
Introduction The purpose of this project was to design a monitoring system that uses Wi-Fi and a low cost antenna. The design incorporated a user interface in which the user can input the MAC address of the teacher/students smart phone…
Web Based Dynamic Event Tabulation System with Android App
Web Based Dynamic Event Tabulation System with Android App Tabulation System Database Schema and System Features Database Schema Manage Schedule of Activities (activityid, datefrom, date to, activity name, description) Manage Events (eventid, date, name of event, description) Manage Contestant (contestantid,…
A Design of an Online Expert System for Clinic
A Design of an Online Expert System for Clinic Project Context Expert System is one of the most common applications of artificial intelligence. It is a computer program that simulates the decision and actions of a person or an association…
Transcript of Records Management System
TOR Management System Manual When you start the system, you will be prompted to enter your username and password through the login screen. Please enter the correct credentials. Refer to the screenshot below. After providing the correct information, press the…
LAN-Based Electronic Medical Record System
LAN-based Electronic Medical Record System Purpose and Description To develop a LAN-based Electronic Medical Record System that will benefit the patients of Medical Lab Clinic. The system includes billing, laboratory results and history of doctor’s prescriptions. The objectives of the…
Tabulation System Database Schema and System Features
Tabulation System Database Schema and System Features Database Schema Manage Schedule of Activities (activityid, datefrom, date to, activity name, description) Manage Events (eventid, date, name of event, description) Manage Contestant (contestantid, name, department, eventid) Manage Judges (judegeid, judgename, username, password)…
1KWORDS – Picture Guessing Game (Web and Android Version)
1KWORDS – Picture Guessing Game (Web and Android Version) Background of the Study Games are a regular part of students’ lives, no matter what their grade level. Students play games throughout the day on their computers, the Internet, and their…
Android Based Translator App Jquery Mobile and Apache Cordova
Android Based Translator App Jquery Mobile and Apache Cordova INTRODUCTION In recent years, there is a rapid development of technology. One of the notable technologies which is gaining a fast pace popularity in the global consumer market is the mobile…