Web Based Grading System for High School using PHP and MySQL

Web Based Grading System for High School using PHP and MySQL Database schema tblschoolyear (id, schoolyear) tblyearlevel (id, yearlevel, description) tblsubjects (id, subjectname, description, yearlevelid) tblstudent (id, lname, fname, mname, contact, address, username, password) tblclass (id, classname, schoolyearid, yearlevelid) tblstudentclass…

Web Based Filing Management System Free Download Source code

Web Based Filing Management System Database Schema tblSemester (id, semester) tblSchoolYear (id, schoolyear, ) tblFaculty (id, facultyid, lname, fname, mname, address, contact, username, password) tblFileCategory (id, categoryname, description, deadline) Deliverables tblFilesSubmitted (id, filename, categoryid, description, facultyid, semesterid, schoolyearid, uploadedFiles, dateUploaded,…

Free Download Source code of Inventory Management System

Free Download Source code of Inventory Management System List of Features: The Inventory System was divided into four menus; the File menu, Records menu, Transaction menu and the Reports menu. Under the File menu, the user will be able to…

Parish Record Keeping System Free Download Source code

Parish Record Keeping System Free Download Source code Features: Records Section Baptismal (childname, date of birth, place of birth, gender, category, father’s information, mother’s information, sponsors) Schedule of Mass (date, time started, time ended, language, officiating priest, type of mass,…

Web Based Dynamic Voting System Free Download Source code

Web Based Dynamic voting system free download source code System Features monitoring of voted and non voted students user accounts and user groups and privileges student list, import list from excel or csv file, password generator for students and print…

Lan Based Classroom Management System Free Download Complete Source code

Lan Based Classroom Management System Free Download Complete Source code Features: Administrator: Manage Subjects (search, create, update, delete) Manage Year Levels (search, create, update, delete) Manage Class Sections (search, create, update, delete) Manage Faculty Information (search, create, update, delete)

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