Thesis Archiving Management System PDF Documentation

Thesis Archiving Management System PDF Documentation The Thesis Archiving Management System consists of two pages, one for the admin and the other for the students/users. The admin consists of three categories, manage thesis document of the students in order to…

Android Based Psychology App Capstone Documentation

Android Based Psychology App Capstone Documentation Psychology is a broad field of science. In this case, not all branches of psychology are involved, not all psychoanalysis topics are included and explained, No mental records from different histories, not all psychological…

Android Daily Planner Notification Capstone Documentation

Android Daily Planner Notification Capstone Documentation The project entitled Android Daily Planner Notification is an offline app that will allow the users to set their list of activities and set the time to alarm or notify the users. Hybrid development…

School Management System in PHP MySQL Capstone Documentation

School Management System in PHP MySQL Capstone Documentation The system includes a computerized registration and enrollment form. It allows users to fill in the form and submit. It allows the administrator side to retrieve information. It can severely reduce the…

Hotel Reservation with Android App Capstone Documentation

Hotel Reservation with Android App Capstone Documentation Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation System Using Android Technology the proponents will go to build and troubleshoot for all the problems previously mentioned in problem specification. The system will be implementing with more…

Web Based Student Tracking Performance System Capstone Documentation

Web Based Student Tracking Performance System Capstone Documentation In this study, the researchers aim to develop an effective educational material for the teachers and students in teaching and learning, which would facilitate the teaching and learning of the different subjects…

Android Based Translator App Jquery Mobile and Apache Cordova PDF Documentation

Android Based Translator App Jquery Mobile and Apache Cordova PDF Documentation The proposed “English – Hiligaynon E-Dictionary” is an e-learning system development project that will probe on the acceptability level of the proposed English-Hiligaynon Electronic Dictionary mobile application for elementary…

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