Science Learning Game Capstone Project Documentation

Science Learning Game Capstone Project Documentation The Science Learning Games was developed to enhance the interest of students in their science subject and to give science teacher/s another method of teaching. The researchers used Waterfall Model in developing the Science…

Registrar Grade Profiling System Capstone Project Documentation

Registrar Grade Profiling System Capstone Project Documentation This system provides a computerized student’s records and the registrar’s staff can print student’s population report, and student’s grades. The department chairman can also view student’s grades and the faculties subject load.

Computerized Faculty Evaluation System Capstone Project Documentation

Computerized Faculty Evaluation System Capstone Project Documentation Teacher’s evaluation is widely understood to the most effective tool to improve the quality of instruction in schools. Timely and accurate information is useful in virtually every stage of the decision making process.…

Social Networking App Capstone Project Documentation

Social Networking App Capstone Project Documentation The focus of the study is to provide a social network intended for admins, staff, faculty, students and other member of the system that are not affiliated to the institution which is considered as…

Computer Assisted Instruction in Computer Fundamentals Capstone Project

Computer Assisted Instruction in Computer Fundamentals Capstone Project The CAI-CF system will provide the students the following: self-pacing, which gives learners to bypassed mastered lessons; provides immediate feedback on test results; motivates learners by presenting concepts dynamically; monitors the learner’s…

ELearning App for Criminology Students Capstone Project

ELearning App for Criminology Students Capstone Project Android mobile educational game is created and dedicated to Criminology students. This system can be an educational tool in teaching and can help students in learning because it will enhance the learning ability…

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