TOR (Transcript of Records) – COG (Certification of Grades) Database Schema tblStudentInfo (id, studid, fname, lname, mname, address, gender, contact, courseid, yearlevel, semesterid) tblCourse (id, coursecode, description) tblSemester (id, semester, schoolyear) tblYearLevel (id, yearlevel, description) tblSubject (id, subjectcode, subjectname, yearlevel,…
Tag: system development
School Management System User’s Manual (Manual of Operation)
School Management System User’s Manual (Manual of Operation) Admin Account How to Manage Cashier Staff (create, update, delete) How to Manage Registrar Staff (create, update, delete) How to Manage School year (create, update, delete) How to Manage Sections (create, update,…
Offline Java Tutorial for Android using Ionic Framework and Apache Cordova
Title: Offline Java Tutorial for Android Researchers: Rationale: According to Priya Viswanathan (2013) Mobile application is a computer program designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices. Apps are usually available through application distribution platforms, such as…
Educational Learning Game for Science Subject using Unity
Educational Learning Game for Science Subject using Unity Project Context In many elementary schools, getting attention of students towards the class could be difficult because most students give less time in paying attention in the class especially if they do…
Web Based Accounting System using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap 4
Web Based Accounting System using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap 4 Proposed System The researchers of the system entitled Web Based Accounting System aimed to make transaction in the establishment more convenient, faster and easier for the management and customers. The…
Web and Mobile Based Ordering and Billing Application using Bootstrap, Framework7 and Apache Cordova
Web and Mobile Based Ordering and Billing Application using Bootstrap, Framework7 and Apache Cordova Project Design The Web and Mobile Based Ordering and Billing Application will help the customers to manage their orders personally by having the ability to choose,…
Android Based Translator App Jquery Mobile and Apache Cordova Free Download Source code
User and needs of the system Filipino Dictio-Lator was created for the ease not only for the students but also other Filipino who wants to learn the other Filipino dialect. This will help Filipino to easily communicate and understand each…
Web Based Entrance Examination with Mobile App Support and SMS Notification
Web Based Entrance Examination with Mobile App Support and SMS Notification Significance of the Study Most of the colleges nowadays use a computer-assisted entrance examination. The result of this study may enlighten and give additional information in providing quality performance…
Web Based Barangay Management System with Mobile App Support Application
Web Based Barangay Management System with Mobile App Support Application Purpose and Description The core function of this study is to offer a detailed reliable and secured keeping of all data. Web Based Barangay Management System with Mobile App Support…
Voting System in Visual Basic and MySQL Free Download Complete Source code
Voting System in Visual Basic and MySQL Admin Module Manage Party list (add, update,delete) Manage Course (add, update, delete) Manage Candidate (add, update, delete) Manage Candidate Position (add, update, delete) Manage Student Registration (add, update, delete)