Web Based Human Resource Information System Capstone Documentation

Web Based Human Resource Information System Capstone Documentation The project entitled Web Based Human Resource Information System is an online platform using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. The said system will be able to store the personal records or employees as…

Student Assessment and Payment System Capstone Documentation

Student Assessment and Payment System Capstone Documentation Initial Testing In initial testing we used McCall’s Software Quality Criteria to test our developed software. It includes different software criteria that will be rate one by one according to the quality of…

Student Council Voting System in Visual Basic and MySQL Documentation

Student Council Voting System in Visual Basic and MySQL Documentation Automated voting technologies are increasingly used in elections across the world, particularly because they are often seen as symbolic of a country’s level of modernization. The purpose of an Automated…

Students Activity Attendance using Barcode Capstone Documentation

Students Activity Attendance using Barcode Capstone Documentation The project entitled Students Activity Attendance using Barcode was developed in Visual Basic and MySQL. The main purpose of the project is to automate the attendance system for faster and accurate processing of…

Integrated Enrollment with Student Kiosk System Capstone Documentation

Integrated Enrollment with Student Kiosk System Capstone Documentation The project entitled Integrated Enrollment with Student Kiosk System has two main modules; 1) is the enrollment system which consists of sub modules (student module, cashiering module, registrar module, enrollment module), 2)…

Android Based First Aid App Capstone Documentation

Android Based First Aid App Capstone Documentation The projects entitled android based first aid application were designed and developed using JQuery Mobile and Apache Cordova, description of the tools were stated in the PDF File. Basic features of the app…

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