Computer Assisted Instruction in Computer Fundamentals Capstone Project

Computer Assisted Instruction in Computer Fundamentals Capstone Project The CAI-CF system will provide the students the following: self-pacing, which gives learners to bypassed mastered lessons; provides immediate feedback on test results; motivates learners by presenting concepts dynamically; monitors the learner’s…

ELearning App for Criminology Students Capstone Project

ELearning App for Criminology Students Capstone Project Android mobile educational game is created and dedicated to Criminology students. This system can be an educational tool in teaching and can help students in learning because it will enhance the learning ability…

Chemistry Lab Inventory of Equipment System Capstone Documentation

Chemistry Lab Inventory of Equipment System Capstone Documentation Chemical Laboratory Inventory of Equipment System is an inventory system which keeps track of the organization’s equipment available. This system is very useful in monitoring equipment’s and less exerted effort, thus providing…

Versiculo an Android Bible Verse App Capstone Documentation

Versiculo an Android Bible Verse App Capstone Documentation The researchers decided to develop Versiculo (android application) – bible verses that relates to the current feeling or emotion of a person. With this Android-based application, it will help the people to…

Web Based ELearning in Computer Hardware Capstone Documentation

Web Based ELearning in Computer Hardware Capstone Documentation This eLearning project is an online-based classroom management system. The system can be installed in a standalone computer, in local area networks or even accessible via World Wide Web. The researchers used…

Bus Terminal Toll Management System PDF Documentation

Bus Terminal Toll Management System PDF Documentation The toll management system will be develop to help terminal management in their operation to be made smoother. It is a technology that allows for electronic payment of tolls. And with the help…

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