Welcome to our next Java lesson and in this lesson we are going to learn about the switch statement. What is a switch statement? A switch statement is just like if else if statement the difference is that there is…
Tag: programming
Comments in Java Programming
In this Java tutorial, we are going to learn about creating comments. Comments in programming do not change the functionality or how your program works but it plays an important role in documentation of your program. There are 3 types…
Introduction to Java Programming
Introduction to Java Programming Before we begin with our lesson proper, let us discuss first a brief overview of Java Programming Language. Java was developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems in 1991 and introduced to the…
PHP-MySQL Lesson: The ORDER BY Clause
The ORDER BY Clause In this lesson we are going to write PHP scripts that select a records in MySQL and sort it using the ORDER BY clause. Using ORDER BY clause we can sort the data in a recordset…
PHP-MySQL Lesson: The Where Clause
The Where Clause In this lesson we are going to write PHP scripts that select a specific records in MySQL using the WHERE clause Using WHERE clause we can specify a selection criteria to select, update,delete required records from a…
PHP-MySQL Lesson: Insert records
Insert records In this lesson we are going to write a PHP script that inserts a new record in our database through HTML forms. The INSERT INTO statement in sql is used to insert a record in the database. In…
PHP-MySQL Lesson – Create Table
Creating a Table In this lesson we are going to write a PHP script that will create a table in our MySQL database. To create a table in MySQL, use the command CREATE TABLE tablename. In PHP,mysql_query() function is used to execute…
PHP-MySQL Lesson – Create Database
Creating a Database The CREATE DATABASE statement in sql is used to create a database in MySQL. In PHP,mysql_query() function is used to execute sql query like insert, delete, update, select etc. Here is an example PHP script that creates a…
PHP-MySQL Lesson: Introduction
PHP-MySQL Lesson: Introduction PHP and MySQL PHP is an open source scripting language used to create dynamic website. MySQL is also an open source relational database system that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). PHP supports variety of databases, but MySQL…
PHP Tutorial – PHP Forms
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to take data entered by the user in an HTML form and process it into PHP script and display the output. We need two pages here namely the process.php and the…