Purpose and Description The terminal is new to the city so it does not use any system and is currently not using any technology. It only uses paper, log books and pen to record the information of the vehicle. The…
Tag: it thesis proposal
Download Android Based Learning App for Criminology Students Complete Sourcecode
Development Tools: HTML CSS Javascript Apache Cordova
Android Based Student Handbook
Android Based Student Handbook This project study is all about converting a handbook into an android application which is the researchers’ solution in preserving the handbook in a way that it will not be torn easily and protect it from…
Web Based ELearning in Computer Hardware
Web Based ELearning in Computer Hardware Computer technology, internet and web-based resources are now in many schools and offer teachers and learners vast resources and opportunities for teaching and learning. In the context of this study, a computer technology resource…
Student Profiling Information System in Guidance Office
Introduction It consist all the identifiable and personal information about the students such as (Name, ID No., Course and Persons to contact with, etc.). The system also contains enrollment statistics for each course offering. Student’s Profiling System is a system…
E-Commerce (online store) Project Proposal
INTRODUCTION The proposed application will be selling products such as computers, laptops, hard disks and others related computer gadgets. Despite the fact, that the company has been well-known for selling electronic devices, they are using traditional marketing or advertising strategies…
Versiculo: an Android Bible Verse App
Versiculo: an Android Bible Verse App The android application entitled “Versiculo: Light, Food, Weapon” has 10 most common positive human feelings and 10 most common negative human feelings. Every feeling has 10 corresponding verses, for the user to have a…
Chemistry Lab Inventory of Equipment System
Chemistry Lab Inventory of Equipment System Project Context Chemical Laboratory Inventory of EquipmeChemistry Lab Inventory of equipment System is an inventory system which keeps track of the organization’s equipment available. This system is very useful in monitoring equipment’s and less…
Computer Laboratory Time Management System
Computer Laboratory Time Management System Introduction The Computer Laboratory Time Management System provides a centralized management for workstations, which are managed by the system administrator. It enables suitable time allocation to students based on demand for practical activities by allowing…
Android Based E-Learning Application for Criminology Students
Android Based E-Learning Application for Criminology Students Introduction The different methods of teaching includes: lecture and discussions, giving assignments, evaluation and reporting. Mobile educational game can be used as an educational tool because nowadays everything becomes hi-tech, and smart phones can be…