Step by Step Tutorial on how to operate the system In opening the system, a pop-up window will appear to select the type of account you will use. Click Admin Menu And, click Student menu Open the registration using the…
Tag: it project
Teller’s Queuing System Using Barcode Technology Free Download
TECHNICAL BACKGROUND Your school is now using a very useful system that is very applicable for the growing population of students, for it is now very useful in releasing student’s assessments but somehow, still there is always a problem especially…
Web-Based Patient Information System User’s Manual
Web-Based Patient Information System User’s Manual Accounts and Login The Web-Based Patient Information System has default admin account with the username: admin and password: password. These account are used to manage the system, you modify its details or create another…
Activity Attendance System using Biometrics Fingerprint Scanner
Activity Attendance System using Biometrics Fingerprint Scanner General Objectives The main objective of this study is to develop an operational SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL (SSC) STUDENTS ACTIVITY ATTENDANCE AND MONITORING SYSTEM using BIOMETRICS specifically it aims: Easily and fast tracking of…
Library System with Computer Usage Time Monitoring
Library System with Computer Usage Time Monitoring The project has 3 main parts The first part is for the administrators, librarians and library staff. This portion includes the main transactions in the library: Book Module – the user of the…
BJMP Visitors Log Monitoring System (Web and LAN)
Project Context Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) is using a traditional way of recording the names of visitors that would help jail personnel in securing the BJMP facilities. In this study, the proponents aimed to design and develop…
Grade Management System Free Download Source code
Grade Management System Free Download Source code Functionalities Administrator Backup/Restore Database Subject (create, update, delete) Year Level (create, update, delete) Section (create, update, delete) School Year (create, update, delete) Faculty (create, update, delete) Faculty Subject (create, update, delete) Student (create,…
Web Based Library System in PHP, MySQL Free Download Source code
Database Schema tblbook (id, isbn, bookTitle, bauthors, category, publisher, copyrightyear, bsection(circulation, reserved), noOfCopies, dateReceived, dateEncoded, encodedBy) tblcategory (id, categoryName, description) tblborrower (id, fname, mname, lname, contact, category (student, teacher,) courseid, image) tblcourse (id, coursecode, coursename) tblborrowedbook (id, bookid, borrowerid, dateborrowed,…
Web Based Grading System for High School using PHP and MySQL
Web Based Grading System for High School using PHP and MySQL Database schema tblschoolyear (id, schoolyear) tblyearlevel (id, yearlevel, description) tblsubjects (id, subjectname, description, yearlevelid) tblstudent (id, lname, fname, mname, contact, address, username, password) tblclass (id, classname, schoolyearid, yearlevelid) tblstudentclass…
Web Based Filing Management System Free Download Source code
Web Based Filing Management System Database Schema tblSemester (id, semester) tblSchoolYear (id, schoolyear, ) tblFaculty (id, facultyid, lname, fname, mname, address, contact, username, password) tblFileCategory (id, categoryname, description, deadline) Deliverables tblFilesSubmitted (id, filename, categoryid, description, facultyid, semesterid, schoolyearid, uploadedFiles, dateUploaded,…