Storage Removable Media Protection using Clotion Algorithm Documentation This study motivated the researchers to create software on data protection against removable storage media using Clotion Algorithm. This is a portable app that can be placed on your external drive, with…
Tag: free download capstone project in information technology
Health Care Information Management for Senior Citizen Capstone Documentation
Health Care Information Management for Senior Citizen Capstone Documentation This capstone project is a LAN Based system intended to archive and record information of senior citizen about their health and medical records. Visual Basic.Net and MySQL are the development tools…
Computer Aided Instruction in Philippine History Thesis Documentation
Computer Aided Instruction in Philippine History Thesis Documentation The thesis project entitled computer aided instruction in Philippine History is a web/online based eLearning website intended for the teachers and students who are taking up Philippine History subject. Basic features of…
Web Based Classified Ads Capstone Proposal
Web Based Classified Ads Capstone Proposal The capstone proposal entitled web base classified ads is an online platform that will be develop in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. According to Wikipedia, Classified advertising is a form of advertising which is particularly…
Online Job Recruitment using WordPress Proposal Documentation
Online Job Recruitment using WordPress Proposal Documentation WordPress is a CMS or content management system platform used to create dynamic websites and web application. You can convert your wordpress website into a more specific web application such as social networking,…
Online Integrated Enrollment System Thesis Documentation PDF
Online Integrated Enrollment System Thesis Documentation PDF The online integrated enrollment system is an online platform that will cover almost every aspect of school information system including student profile information system, subject and curriculum management, faculty profile and loading of…
Equipment Monitoring and Inventory System Documentation PDF
Equipment Monitoring and Inventory System Documentation PDF The project entitled Equipment Monitoring and Inventory System is a paperless information system that will be used in order to replace the old method which is paper and folder approach. Although the current…
Student Grade Profiling System for Junior and Senior High School Documentation PDF
Student Grade Profiling System for Junior and Senior High School Documentation PDF The proposed grading system for junior and senior high is a dynamic grading system which means that no or less programming are required once the project will be…
Hotel Room Management Information System Documentation PDF
Hotel Room Management Information System Documentation PDF The project entitled hotel room management information system is a web based project intended to replace the manual process of room reservation in hotels. PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap were used to develop the…
Cashiering and Accounts Receivable and Payable System Capstone Documentation
Cashiering and Accounts Receivable and Payable System Capstone Documentation This project is intended for cashier office/department that will automate and manage the payment transactions. The project entitled cashiering and accounts receivable and payable system is a LAN based system using…