Forecast Planner in Enrollment System PDF Documentation The Enrollment Forecast Planner for the student record with decision support system is a big help for the academic head, the faculty and the administrative staff. It is a great help for the…
Tag: free download capstone project in information technology
Mobile Nutrition App Free Download Capstone Documentation
Mobile Nutrition App Free Download Capstone Documentation The aim of this study is to design and develop a web and android application that focuses on health and nutrition topics Specifically the project will be able to: Administrator (web module) will…
Online Grading System Chapter 3, 4 and 5 PDF Documentation
Online Grading System Chapter 3, 4 and 5 PDF Documentation The project entitled Online Grading System is a web based project using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. The said system can be accessed by the administrator/registrar staff, teachers and students. The…
Equipment Monitoring with Decision Support PDF Documentation
Equipment Monitoring with Decision Support PDF Documentation The project entitled Equipment Monitoring with DSS is a LAN-Based application that will record, archive and monitor the equipment of an institution. DSS stands for decision support system; a decision support system is…
Forecast Planner in Enrollment System
Forecast Planner in Enrollment System INTRODUCTION Background of the study The interactive model of information system emphasizes on the role of information systems to assist and support a user to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making. In industrial and…
Online Grocery Shopping System
Online Grocery Shopping System PREFACE The proponents are being challenged by questioning on what is the better system that we can propose. So we’ve come up to propose this online grocery shopping and we choose Savemore Market to be our…
Game-Based ELearning Platform for Fisheries
Game-Based ELearning Platform for Fisheries PROJECT CONTEXT Now a day’s computer game is being viral to this industry especially to the students. And there are some instances that the destruction may defeat the education, to be specific, many student play…
Computer Aided Instruction for DBMS using MySQL
Computer Aided Instruction for DBMS using MySQL CHAPTER I Introduction The age that we are in apparently speaks for its own. Through the years, humans have developed an instinct of seeking for technology that shall make more efficient and effective…
Mobile Nutrition App with Admin Panel Capstone Documentation
Mobile Nutrition App with Admin Panel Capstone Documentation CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The technology revolution particularly in the last couple of decades has had a tremendous impact on people’s lifestyles across the globe. A staggering 7 billion mobile-connected devices, more than…
Students’ Grade Record Profiling System Complete Capstone Documentation
Students’ Grade Record Profiling System Complete Capstone Documentation Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Computers have changed the world and are here to stay. They have changed people lives not only in everything they do. But also they changed daily activities, and lot…