Fire Alarm Management System Capstone Project Proposed System The researchers of the system named Fire Alarm Management aimed to provide a safety feature that detects fires at early stage and alarm occupants for them to evacuate quickly in the premises.…
Tag: free download capstone project in information technology
Profile Management System of Employees Capstone Project
Profile Management System of Employees Capstone Project Proposed System Nowadays, works are easily done by relying on technologies. Most people prefer the most convenient way of making their tasks. Businesses embraced technologies which can help them do their job easily.…
Blood Bank Management System Capstone Project Proposal
Blood Bank Management System Capstone Project Proposal Introduction Blood banks play an important role in the process of collecting blood and other procedure such as managing blood stocks, approving blood request, updating donations and updating available blood types. Blood banks…
Job Portal Management System Capstone Project Proposal
Job Portal Management System Capstone Project Proposal Proposed System Technology is constantly changing, people need to cope up with all of this changes or else we will not going to stand or survive in this technical world. Along with this…
Doctor Appointment System Capstone Project Proposal
Doctor Appointment System Capstone Project Proposal Introduction In this modern world, technology has become a replacement of some manually works and a necessary tool for solving problem, as it arises, everything has been easy for us. That is why in…
Travel and Events Portal Capstone Project Proposal
Travel and Events Portal Capstone Project Proposal Proposed System The researchers of the system entitled Travel and Events Portal aimed to provide a platform for transaction between admin panel and the users who are in search of tours and event…
Food Ordering App Capstone Project Proposal
Title of the project: Food Ordering App Areas of investigation and development: web and mobile development Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, Java, Android Studio Introduction With the emergence of modernity, technology is playing a vital role in helping people accomplish…
Laundry Management System Capstone Proposal
Title of the project: Laundry Management System Areas of investigation and development: web development Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap Introduction There is a huge changes in everyday lifestyle within every societies since modernity evolve. In fact most of people nowadays…
Mobile Based Complaints and Feedback Application
Title of the project: Mobile Based Complaints and Feedback Application Introduction At present, there is already an exceptional excellence in technological innovations. A lot of innovations are done to help people perform well in their daily queries. One of these…
ELearning Platform for Web and Mobile Review of Related Literature
ELearning Platform for Web and Mobile Review of Related Literature A Web and Mobile Elearning Platform easily tracked and help the users to find their all events, activities and etc. These related literature and studies are herein cited to give…