Lan Based Student Council Voting System Introduction Computer technology has been a great help to the improvement of one’s life. Most establishments, corporations and institutions had developed their own use of such technology to help themselves work more efficiently with…
Tag: capstone project title in information technology
Faculty Profile Management System
Background of the Project At present, {name of institution} is maintaining the records of their faculty in a manual basis. Handling bulky records in a manual method is very difficult hence; the process of updating could not be done easily…
Medical and Dental Record Keeping System
Medical Dental Record Keeping System INTRODUCTION Medical and Dental Personnel collect all the records from the patient’s information and endowed with a graphical report to be presented to the School Administration and to the Students Affair Services every quarter. The…
Computer Assisted Instruction (Web, Mobile, Desktop)
Computer Assisted Instruction (Web, Mobile, Desktop) Introduction The new learning paradigm in the educational system encourages students to be in control of how they learn, and the teachers to let go of their control over the learning process in the…
Point of Sale with Decision Support System
Point of Sale with Decision Support System Introduction The main objective of the study is to develop and implement computerized sales and inventory with decision support system. This system will replace all the manual system into a more organized process…
Web Based File Management System
Web Based File Management System The Web based filing system for information technology department can generate reports like individual performance commitment of each faculty member, transmittal report of their course syllabus, academic accomplishment for every semester and etc. it also…
SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL (SSC) STUDENTS ACTIVITY ATTENDANCE AND MONITORING SYSTEM USING BARCODE Lots of organization now uses computerized transactions but there are some are not. One of those is Supreme Student Council (SSC), an organization that uses manual process of…
Parish Office Computer-Based Record Keeping System
Project Context The development of a computer-based record keeping system helps abreast the continuous demand for quality and efficient service. Releasing of records are very slow considering that records of a parishioner is stored in a filing cabinet most of…
Mobile Based eTicketing System
Project Context As the study is expanding and having many customers, it faces different problems. With these problems, their system experiences: unorganized transactions, long queue, scammers, unreliable updates about the upcoming events, and the availability of ticket at the ticket…
Completed Thesis Project for Information Technology
Completed Thesis Project Compilation 1. Student Information System – Visual Basic 6, PHP/MySQL 2. Payroll System – Visual Basic 6, PHP/MySQL 3. Entrance Examination – Visual Basic 6 4. Faculty Information System – Visual Basic 6, PHP/MySQL 5. Polling System…