Brgy Resident Profiling and Information Management System

Brgy Resident Profiling and Information Management System System Modules: Resident Records/Profile Purok CRUD (create, update, delete) Brgy/SK Officials CRUD (create, update, delete) Brgy Activities Blotter Reports Population Report Certificate Issuance and Many More

Unit Converter in jQuery Mobile

Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) is a popular mobile application development framework originally created by Nitobi. Adobe Systems purchased Nitobi in 2011, rebranded it as PhoneGap, and later released an open source version of the software called Apache Cordova. jQuery Mobile…

Grading System in Visual Basic Free Download Source code

Database schema tblAdminUser (id, fullname, username, password) tblStudent (id, studentNo, fname, middlename, lastname, gender, age, contact ) tblSubject (id, subjectname, subjectcode) tblGrades (id, studentNo, attendanceScore, projectScore, quizScore, labScore, examScore, finalGrade, status, term)

Student Council Voting System Free Download Source code

Student Council Voting System Free Download Source code Forms included in the package: AboutFrm.frm BackupFrm.frm BackupLocFrm.frm bg.frm CandidateFrm.frm CanvassingFrm.frm CodeGenFrm.frm CourseFrm.frm FormNeon.frm frmPrintCodes.frm LoginFrm.frm MainFrm.frm PartyFrm.frm PositionFrm.frm UserFrm.frm ViewCodesFrm.frm VotingCode.frm VotingCodeGenFrm.frm VotingFrm.frm WinnersFrm.frm

Faculty Evaluation System Free Download Source code

Faculty Evaluation System Free Download Source code Forms included in the package: AboutFrm.frm AdminFrm.frm BackupFrm.frm BackupLocFrm.frm CommentFrm.frm DBFrm.frm FacultyInfoFrm.frm LoginFrm.frm MenuFrm.frm QuestionCategoryFrm.frm QuestionsFrm.frm RatingFrm.frm StudentInfoFrm.frm SubjectInfoFrm.frm ViewCommentFrm.frm ViewEvaluationFrm.frm ViewOverAll.frm

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