Short Message Service Controlled Sockets The SMS controlled Sockets reduce the manpower. We can save a lot of time to operate home appliances and devices from anywhere without wasting time to move from the other place to the location of…
Tag: capstone project title in information technology
Real Estate System User Interface in Bootstrap
Real Estate System User Interface in Bootstrap The project entitled Real Estate System is an online platform that allows the owners and real estate agents to post, advertise and sell their properties. This article will help you to build your…
Billing System Database Design
Billing System Database Design This article will serve as a guide in the development of your database schema or model about a simple billing system. The project is available in Visual Basic and MySQL/MS Access. allows you to copy…
Point of Sale System Database Design
Point of Sale System Database Design This article will list down the tables needed to develop a Point of Sale System. allows you to copy the database design and modify it based on your requirement, a LIKE and SHARE …
Online Platform for Electricity Billing and Payment System
Online Platform for Electricity Billing and Payment System Proposed System Electricity is one of our basic necessities in life. We use electricity for multi-purpose in our home. Along with its importance in our life it is also crucial to pay…
Cemetery Mapping Information System
Cemetery Mapping Information System Proposed system The researcher of the system entitled “Cemetery Mapping Information System” aimed to provide a platform for the user to quickly locate and less effort on finding their relative graves and a platform for the…
Healthcare Management System with Mobile Application
Healthcare Management System with Mobile Application Proposed system The researchers of the system named “Healthcare management system with mobile application” aimed to create a project that will give solutions to the problem arises in the field of healthcare. Most people…
Employee Leave Management System Capstone Project Proposal
Employee Leave Management System Capstone Project Proposal Proposed System In business, employers want to keep employees in work at all time but it is not possible, employees deserves their fair share of time to rest and recuperate so business organizations…
Exam Paper Repository Management System
Exam Paper Repository Management System Proposed System The researcher of the study entitled Exam Paper Repository Management System is to provide a platform wherein all the information of the previous examination paper is stored. The system will enable the administrator…
IT and IS Capstone Project Related Articles February 2020
IT and IS Capstone Project Related Articles February 2020 1. Church Information Management System Review of Related Literature This article deals with different literature and studies based on different sources such as books and internet. This related literature in system…