Online Real Estate and Property Management System in PHP and MySQL Description The project entitled “Online Real Estate and Property Management System” is an online information system that will manage the sales and rentals of different real estate properties and…
Tag: capstone project in it
Online Crime and Incident Reporting with SMS Notification
Online Crime and Incident Reporting with SMS Notification Description Online Crime and Incident Reporting is a web based project developed in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. The said project has a SMS notification feature using the iTexMo SMS API. This project…
Web Based Electricity Billing and Payment System with SMS Notification and Mobile App Support
Web Based Electricity Billing and Payment System with SMS Notification and Mobile App Support Description The proposed electricity billing and payment system is a web based system to be developed using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. It is intended to replace…
Web Based Student Portal in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Web Based Student Portal in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap Purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to improve the existing system on accessing the student’s grade from the manual operation to online, it’s also provide to look…
Web and Mobile Based COMMON AILMENT REMEDIES Database Schema tblAdmin (id, username, password, fullname) tblStudentAccount (id, studin, lname, mname, fname, course, username, password) tblAilments (id, ailmentname, description) tblHerbal (id, herbalname, herbinfo, scientificname, localname, medicinalusage, howtouse, dosage, caution, ailmentid)
Grading System with Online Grade Viewing in PHP and MySQL Source code
Grading System with Online Grade Viewing in PHP and MySQL Source code Database Schema (database design) class (id, course, year, section, sem, teacher, subject) log (id, date, activity) student (id, studid, fname, lname) studentsubject (id, studid, classid, att1, att2, att3,…
Visual Basic and MySQL Time-in and Time-out Monitoring System
Visual Basic and MySQL Time-in and Time-out Monitoring System Database schema (librarydtr.sql) tblcompanysetup (id, companyname, address, contact) tblusercategory (id, categoryname, description) category = student, staff, faculty, researcher tblcourse(id, coursecode, coursename) tbluser(id, lastname, firstname, middlename, contact, course, yearlevel) tbltimelog(id, userid, daterec,…
Cafe Manager in Visual Basic Free Download
Cafe Manager in Visual Basic Free Download System Features: Login (Rent) Logout Deposit Extracharge (sample print, photocopy, etc.) Switch from Open time to Prepaid vice versa Set PC if need to repair It has an option for the pricing to…
Thesis, System Analysis and Design, Software Engineering, Capstone Project Titles for IT, Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Thesis, System Analysis and Design, Software Engineering, Capstone Project Titles for IT, Computer Science and Computer Engineering The following are the new list of titles that you can use for your Capstone and Thesis project, SAD Subject or the System…
Online Food Ordering System with Real-Time Customer Feedback using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Online Food Ordering System with Real-Time Customer Feedback using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap This research work aims to automate the food ordering process in restaurant and also improve the dining experience of customers. In this paper we discuss about the…