Workflow Management System Capstone Project
Proposed System
The researchers of the system entitled Workflow Management System aimed to provide a system that would help enhance the performance of transferring documents from department to department. This system will make the processes in an organization easy, fast and efficient. The process in the current system was manually and it leads to weak movement on passing the information or data to department to department. That is why the researchers made some improvement that would address the missing piece of the current system. They are now working an automated system based workflow which can make better, faster and easy processes or passing document from participant to participants.

To operate the system, user will access to the system so that he/she can pass documents to the desired person, so is the other side would access to have better transactions between. Additionally, the admin would control the system, so that the operation will smoothly run.
System implementation
System will definitely contribute the end user and the organizations. This system will give them the best out of best in terms of doing processes quickly. The researchers will provide questionnaire that would be answer to end user, also they will provide clarification and difficulties while operating the systems. Suggestion and recommendation of the end user will be accepted for it helps the improvement of the system.
Objectives of the study
The goals of the objectives of this proposed system will be: To provide system that would help not just individual but also the organization in making efficient process in passing document and others. Another is that to enhance more the staffs in doing their respective task. Last is to have a productive organization by the help of this system, and to help organization achieves its goals.
Significance of the study
The following individual/groups will benefit from this system:
Organizations: this system will make their organization grows bigger, for it transact process easy, fast and efficient.
Admins: administrators would also gain benefits from this, for it keeps them productive and efficient worker.
Users: Through these system users works/job will be done on time, they cannot delays especially passing reports, and in line with this they will also become effective and efficient workers.
Project Plan/SDLC Model
For the development of the system, the researchers used the software development cycle (SDLC), the overall process that consists of sic cycles.
First is to determine the requirement. In this cycle the researcher determine whether its software or hardware will be used for the proposed system.
Next is to gather data: this is where the researcher conducts an interview to the management office to gather data that could help for the operation of the system.
Then after that is to analyse the data. In this cycle the researcher will analysed all the data they gathered, for them to identify the necessary information needed for the development of the proposed system and also to give solutions.
Next will be the phase designing. The researcher will design the system that is related to the future. The specification and operation will detail and some conceptual model of the user requirements will be produced.
After the designing phase, the coding phase starts, in order to build the system, the researchers should perform the last cycle. This is where the researchers will encode all the codes for checking if there is error or the program will be successfully debugged. This last process will ensure if the system is stable or not.
Development Tools:
- PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
- Template credits to Creative Tim
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