Web Based Virtual Tour Guide Chapter 1 Documentation
This article is an example documentation that you can use for your capstone project. The project is entitled Web Based Virtual Tour Guide, it includes the subtopics which are commonly part of the chapter 1 documentation.
subtopics includes the following:
- Introduction of the Study
- Objectives of the Study
- Scope and Limitation
- Significance of the Study
- Definition of Terms

Technology nowadays plays a significant role in our lives. From simple machines to complex ones technology is used. One of the breakthroughs of technology is Virtual Tour. Virtual Tour is a system that is represented by 3D or 2D objects where you can navigate and roam around without going to the actual place. This system is used by many companies or cities to create a visual representation of their establishments or the actual place with the aim of promoting their respective companies or cities.
Tourism is one of the areas that can provide source of income in the community. With this reason, the researchers come up with the decision of making a system that will introduce the certain community to the world. The researchers agreed to make a Web-based Virtual Tour Guide where it features the main tourist spots and establishment of a certain place. For the purpose of promoting the tourism, the system must be accessible everywhere. It is a system where a person can roam around the municipality without visiting the actual place.
A web-based virtual tour guide will serve as a guide on how to get to their destination by giving them every possible route. This virtual tour will take people through some of the expected and unexpected highlights of any tourist spots of a specific area.
A Web Based Virtual Tour Guide will help the office in promoting the spots that the city/municipality is known for. Not only the tourist spots will be featured but also the current information about the municipality as well as the churches, municipal hall, municipal market and many more.
A web-based Virtual Tour is a system where many people can view the place. It is one of the advantages that this system can offer. The system has a feature for easy navigation of the place. For example: the distance of the spot from the municipal proper.
This study will be a big help for the improvement of the Municipality. We conduct this system because in this generation, web is very much powerful.
Objectives of the Study
This study generally aims to promote the tourism by developing a system called Web-based Virtual Tour Guide. This study specifically aims to:
- Create a system where one can virtually tour the place and give an idea what the actual place looks like without getting into the place actually.
- Make it accessible anywhere by making it Web-Based as long as it connected to the internet.
- Aid the need of the people on accurate information of different spots of the city and municipality.
Scope and Limitation
This study was conducted to promote the tourism of the municipality/city by developing a system entitled Web-Based Virtual Tour Guide. This includes the tourist spots, location, and possible routes.
The findings of this study where based on the answers of the respondents on the survey questionnaire used. The interpretation of the result is limited only on the statistical tools in the study.
Significance of the Study
The persons who will benefit by this study are the following:
Tourist. Create an easy access for the tourist.
Tour Guide/Community. Since more tourists will visit means more job for the people within the vicinity of the spots.
Locality. The proposed system will benefit the community in the promotion of tourism.
Definition of Terms
Guide – it will give the possible routes and distance of the tourist spots from any given point.
Virtual – creative representation of establishments within the municipality that seems to be realistic.
Web-Based – one can access the system using the internet.
3D – images in the systems that appear realistic in the three-dimension.
Virtual Tour – it is a tour which creates a visual effect where one can roam around without visiting the city/municipality in actual.
Credits to the authors/developers of the project
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