Web Based Project Monitoring System Review of Related Literature
This chapter presents the related literature and studies that may help the researchers in developing the proposed system.
Project Monitoring and Evaluation System for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
The Project Monitoring and Evaluation System for DRRM (2012), the proposed system will combine financial tracking and physical monitoring to aid better planning and coordination of the government’s projects and programs on DRRM in a manner that is transparent and accountable to the public.
This Monitoring and Evaluation System will the help the government by easily knowing or checking the projects and program for the public/community.

A Web-Based System for Home Monitoring of Patients with Parkinson’s disease Using Wearable Sensors
Fetch from the website http://ieeexplore.ieee.org (2010), introduces Mercury Live, a platform to enable home monitoring of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) using wearable sensors. Mercury Live contains three tiers: a resource-aware data collection engine that relies upon wearable sensors, web services for live streaming and storage of sensor data, and a web-based graphical user interface client with video conferencing capability. Besides, the platform has the capability of analysing sensor (i.e., accelerometer) data to reliably estimate clinical scores capturing the severity of tremor, bradykinesia, and dyskinesia. Testing results showed an average data latency of less than 400 ms and video latency of about 200 ms with video frame rate of about 13 frames/s when 800 kb/s of bandwidth were available and we used a 40% video compression, and data feature upload requiring 1 min of extra time following a 10 min interactive session. These results indicate that the proposed platform is suitable to monitor patients with PD to facilitate the titration of medications in the late stages of the disease.
This study provides different guidelines on how to develop web-based monitoring system. This system contains three tiers that will help the home patients of PD to easily monitor and facilitate their medication. And as long as there is an internet connection and wearable sensors they can easily access the system.
Statistical Web-based Monitoring of the Philippine Livestock Program
As cited by Mary Ann C. Magtulis and Generoso G. de Guzman (2013), The Livestock Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA-LP) also called Agri-Pinoy Livestock Program is one of the banner programs of the Department in the Agriculture and the livestock sector of the country to ensure food security, alleviate poverty, enhance incomes and profitability and achieve global competitiveness for the livestock and poultry sector. As coordinated by the Livestock Development Council (LDC), its implementation is shared by various DA’s offices. Because of the devolution of the DA’s services, the local government units provide the front line services for the projects under the various components of the Livestock Program.
Monitoring of the implementation of the projects and activities under the Program is done by LDC. It has no field staff but relies on DA livestock coordinators of regional field offices (RFOs) to report the physical and financial accomplishments of the Program. Quarterly meetings of livestock coordinators provide the venue for validation of these reports. The RFOs submit monthly and quarterly reports in MS Excel spreadsheets. The quarterly reports are mere consolidation of the three consecutive monthly reports. These spreadsheets are designed in such a way that all monthly or quarterly entries are included in one sheet, making them appear to be very long worksheet. The target is only a quantification of the total physical output that could be accomplished in a year based on the budget allocation approved by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) for the calendar year. It is akin to a moving annual target, not the conventional project targets, which are usually set during project formulation and firmed up before the project takes off for implementation. The monthly or quarterly targets on the other hand, merely represent what the field units envisaged to be accomplished or doable for the reference period. It is a simple monthly or quarterly disaggregation of the annual target. The monthly or quarterly target breakdown is reviewed, and requires prior approval by LDC at the commencement of the calendar year.
This web-based monitoring is designed for livestock program of Department of Agriculture. The focus of this project is to enhance incomes and achieve global competitiveness for the livestock of the country. They used MS Excel spreadsheet to submit their reports.
Central Public Works Department Project monitoring System
As stated in Central Public Works Department Project monitoring System (2014), the project monitoring system is a web-based application for monitoring progress of all projects undertaken by CPWD, both in pre-construction and construction phases. The progress report indicates the particulars, status or physical progress, targets, monthly and up-to-date expenditure at the following stages of the project.
This study helps to simplify life by making a lot of things easily and in a short time. It helps strengthen and enhance the work and services of the users. It will give the fix and ease in monitoring of all projects undertaken by CPWD, both in pre-construction and construction phases.
Web-based remote human pulse monitoring system with intelligent data analysis for home health care analysis
Fetch from the website www.sciencedirect.com (2010), Web-based remote human pulse monitoring system with intelligent data analysis for home health care analysis adopts system on chip (SOC) techniques to develop an embedded human pulse monitoring system with intelligent data analysis mechanism for disease detection and long-term health care. The proposed system can be applied to monitor and analyze pulse signal in daily life. The proposed system also has a friendly web-based interface for medical staff to observe immediate pulse signals for remote treatment. Hence, the proposed system provides aids long-distance medical treatment, exploring trends of potential chronic diseases, and urgent situations informing for sudden diseases. Moreover, this study also presents an intelligent data analysis scheme based on the modified cosine similarity measure to diagnose abnormal pulses for exploring potential chronic diseases.
In this study, it provides techniques to develop with intelligent data analysis mechanism for disease detection and long-term health care that even a chip can help us to monitor our signal pulse. This system provides new users with new tools and allows improving the way of lives.
Philippines eHealth Strategic Framework Plan
As cited on Philippines eHealth Strategic Framework Plan (2013), the World Health Organization defines eHealth as the use of information and communication technologies for health. It supports the delivery of health services and management of health systems to become more efficient and effective. eHealth is described also as a means to ensure that “the right health information is provided to the right person at the right place and time in a secure, electronic form to optimize the quality and efficiency of health care delivery, research, education and knowledge. The application of information and communication technologies in health has rapidly increased for the past years and gained significance not only in the Department of Health but in the entire health sector. The DOH has continuously addressed the challenges and demands to further improve health care service deliveries and outcomes. Many countries have recognized the importance of adopting information and communication technology in health, also called as eHealth, to optimize processes and improve data collection, processing and analysis. The adoption of ICT has provided concrete foundation for health investments and innovations. Countries have formulated their own eHealth agenda to establish direction and plan the necessary steps to achieve their intended vision, mission, and goals. In this study, it helps to develop, as appropriate, policies and legislative mechanisms linked to an overall national eHealth strategy, in order to ensure compliance in the adoption of ehealth and health data standards by the public and private sectors, as appropriate, and the donor community, as well as to ensure the privacy of personal clinical data. It is a big used in the areas of innovative technological changes, networking and infrastructure, office automation, development and implementation of computer-based systems. Management has augmented the budget on ICT to fully accomplish and support the ICT strategic goals and direction.
Web-Based Evaluation System for Learning Management System
As stated on Web-Based Evaluation System for Learning Management Systems (2010), e-learning systems has become an issue in recent years. A learning management system (LMS) is an electronic environment helps the educational society to communicate, exchange information, manage, and schedule the learning process. This study has provided a web-based evaluation system that may help the users to choose the convenient system depending on their needs and their type of usage by using developed and intelligent decision making algorithm. This system was developed by using the MS -Visual Studio .NET and its database was designed by using MS-SQL Server. In order to evaluate the LMSs, we must consider the most important features of any LMS and classify them as unified criteria that may enable us to evaluate the systems. The system’s database contains a full description on the most famous LMSs over the web and the widely-used over the world.
This website, help the users to choose the convenient system depending on their needs. This E-Learning becomes one of the important fields and one of the fastest growing areas of the high technology sector development, especially in the academic environments. It is the newest way for the individuals and organizations to get knowledge and meet their requirements.
Linux-dash: Monitors “Linux Server Performance” Remotely Using Web Browser
As cited from Linux-dash: Monitors “Linux Server Performance” Remotely Using Web Browser (2015), Linux dash is a memory efficient, low resource, easy to install, server statistics monitoring script written in PHP. The web statistics page allows you to drag and drop the various widgets and rearrange the display as you desire. The script displays live statistics of your server, including RAM, CPU, Disk Space, Network Information, Installed Software’s, Running Processes and much more. Linux Dash’s interface provides information in an organized fashion, which makes us easy to switch between specific sections using buttons in the main toolbar. Linux Dash is not an advanced monitoring tool like Collectl or Glances, but still it’s a good monitoring application for users who are looking for lightweight and easy to deploy.
This website Linux-dash supports a wide range of Linux flavors; of course it does support Ubuntu. Since it is a web-based tool, you must have either of the web server (apache or nginx) installed on your machine it is that Linux-dash is created in PHP for Linux with Apache. This study will help the college of I.T Department to easily monitor the statistics of the tools used by the users and easy to install.
Through these different studies about web-based monitoring and evaluation system the researcher can have new or additional ideas about the proposed system. It is a guideline on how to develop a better Web-based Monitoring and Evaluation System and give satisfaction requirements of our proposed system to the client.
Like the other literature, this study was also conducted in order to improve and develop the manual method. The system will provide fast, reliable and interactive information for NONESCOST Extension Services Office.
Project Monitoring and Evaluation System for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, retrieved 2012, website: http://www.primexinc.org.
A Web-Based System for Home Monitoring of Patients with Parkinson’s disease Using Wearable Sensors retrieved 2010, website: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org
Statistical Web-based Monitoring of the Philippine Livestock Program, retrieved 2013, from Department in the Agriculture and the livestock in the Philippines, website: http://www.statistics.gov.hk
Central Public Works Department Project monitoring System retrieved 2014, website: http://cpwdpms.gov.in/.
Web-based remote human pulse monitoring system with intelligent data analysis for home health care analysis retrieved 2010, website: http://www.sciencedirect.com.
Philippines eHealth Strategic Framework Plan retrieved September 2013, from Department of Health, website: http://www.doh.gov.ph/.
Web-Based Evaluation System for Learning Management Systems retrieved 2010, website: http://papers.ssrn.com.
Linux-dash: Monitors “Linux Server Performance” Remotely Using Web Browser retrieved 2015, website: http://www.tecmint.com/.
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