Web Based Point of Sale in PHP and MySQL
The project entitled Web Based Point of Sale intends to replace the manual process of sales and inventory. It is an online project designed and developed in PHP and MySQL. This document includes the user interfaces and system modules or features used in this project. Our team can work also for the customized version and documentation of this project.

A company with at least 20 employees is currently having problems and difficulties in record keeping of their products that includes the sales, inventory and stock management. The company uses the traditional pen, paper and folder method which is very time consuming, and prone to errors. For several months of using the manual method, it seems that the result is not efficient, effective and accurate, thus the company requested the researchers to develop a web based system to cater the needs of their sales and inventory processes.
The company has fully utilized the manual system of monitoring their operation along with archiving important records related to sales and inventory. With the implementation of this project, the company will have a full advantage of automated monitoring capabilities and report generation features that will increase efficiency, accuracy and ease.
Significance of the Study
The significance of this study to the company is that the system can provide organize and accurate records of sales, inventory and other related transactions such as report generation and stock management. The output of the program was based on the requirements of the end-users. Specifically this project is important to the following:
Store owner – the store owner serves as the administrator of the project which means that they can access every feature of the system. With the implementation of the project, it would be easier to manage the stocks, sales, and inventory.
Customers – the system is also very important to the customers for it could generate a receipt accurately and in fast manner. The amount spent in the processing of sales would lessen.
Employees – with the help of the system the employees can now work on their respective job in a convenient manner.
Researchers – this project would be very challenging on the part of the researchers. The researchers will be tested in their skills on programming, web development and database design. Aside from that, communication skills will also be important for the data gathering and presentation of output.
Future Researchers – this will serve as their guidelines if they want to study and develop a project related to this one. It would also be an opportunity for them to enhance the project.
Other company – other companies that are still using the old way of transactions can adopt and convert their manual process into a database information system.
System Modules
Dashboard Page – the dashboard contains some statistics of the web application. The image below is the dashboard page of the system.

Product Encoding Page – the encoding of information from the manual record to database system is the first thing that will be performed. The image below shows the page of the system for encoding the product information.

Customer Registration Page – information of the customer will also be transferred into the database records.

Shopping Cart Page – shopping cart page is the page of the system that shows the list of items the customer wants to buy.

POS Page – the POS or point of sale is the heart of this project, this is where the sales transaction occur between the customer and the employee of the company. The module records the list of items bought by the customer, the total amount of transaction and the inventory module is automatically updated for every transaction.

List of Payments – this is the page of the project that stores and records the list of payment transactions.

The technology used for this system are, a computer that serves as the database, WAMP, short for Windows Apache MYSQL and PHP that refers to a set of free (open source) application combined with Microsoft Windows, which are commonly used in Web Server Environment. The WAMP stack provides developers with the four (4) key elements of a web server, an operating system, database, web server and web scripting software. The combined usages of these programs are called a server stack. In this stack, Microsoft Windows is the operating system (OS), Apache is the web server, and MYSQL handles the database components while PHP, Python or PERL represents the dynamic scripting languages. Together with PhpMyAdmin it allows the user to manage the database easily. Also, the WampServer installs automatically does making it function spontaneous. After the WAMP Server is installed the user has the capability to add as many Apache MySQL and PHP releases he/she wants. Sources: (www.mebopedia.com) (www.wampserver.com)
Credits to: Programming Activities
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