Web Based Dynamic Event Tabulation System with Android App
Tabulation System Database Schema and System Features
Database Schema
Manage Schedule of Activities (activityid, datefrom, date to, activity name, description)
Manage Events (eventid, date, name of event, description)
Manage Contestant (contestantid, name, department, eventid)
Manage Judges (judegeid, judgename, username, password)
Manage Criteria (criteriaid, criterianame, percentage, eventid)
Manage Scores (scoreid, eventid, judgeid, criteriaid, contestandid, score, category, date)

- Overall Winner for specific event
- Winner per Criteria for specific event
- Select Events and Login to the System
- Select Contestant
- Display the criteria to be graded
- Submit scores
System Flow
- Admin will encode all the events
- Admin will encode all the contestants
- Admin will encode all the judges
- Admin will encode all the judging criteria
- The judge will have to select first activity or event before he or she logs on to the system.
- The system will present the list of candidates for that specific event.
- After the judge has selected a candidate, the system will present the list of judging criteria for that event.
- The judge will now rate and save the score.
- The system will then return to the list of candidates, and will repeat the steps from 3 to 5.

- View and print the results/winner for specific event (3rd, 2nd, 1st, grand winner)
- View and print the results/winner per judging criteria for a specific event (best in gown, best in talent, etc.)
Development Tools:
We can develop the project using the following programming languages:
- Visual Basic and MS Access
- Visual Basic and MySQL
- C# and SQL Server
- PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
- Web and Mobile version using NodeJS, AngularIonic and Apache Cordova
Development Requirements
NODEJS – you need to install the latest NODEJS as this the required tool for Ionic Framework and other pre-requisite tool on the project.
XAMPP / WAMP – for web app deployment and serving (local development).
IONIC FRAMEWORK – you need to install the latest Ionic Framework as this is the required tool for mobile app deployment.
CORDOVA – you need to install the latest Cordova as this is the required tool for building mobile app on multiple platforms.
HOSTING SITE – this used to deploy our web app on the live site, where anyone can access through it.
ANDROID SDK – this is required to build android app.