Water Level Indicator Using SMS Notification
Table of Contents
Introduction of the Study
The capstone project, “Water Level Indicator using SMS Notification” is a system use in providing early warnings to the public about the water levels in rivers and dams during typhoon and floods.
Flooding is inevitable during typhoons and can cause significant damage if the community is not prepared. The manual flooding prevention system is delivered via word-of-mouth, television news, radio broadcasts, and other media in which information does not spread easily and reaches the public for warnings. Apart from heavy rainfall, high water levels in rivers and dams are a significant cause of flooding. During typhoons, rivers and dams are monitored to prevent serious damages, but the public cannot easily obtain information that the water level is rising and that urgent evacuation is needed due to an inadequate alert system. As a result, they were struck in the flood and suffered losses.

Proposed Solution
The researchers of the project proposed a solution to easily disseminate information about the water level using SMS notification. The main purpose of the project was to warn people of the water level of the river and dams. There are three levels of warning, the minor, moderate, and the major level. When the water level exceeds the minor level sensor, the device will send SMS which has this message, “The water level starts to become higher please stay at home”. When the water level reaches the moderate level sensor, the device will send SMS which has this message, “Warning! The water level exceeds the moderate level, please prepare for evacuation anytime!”. When the water level reaches the major level sensor, the device will send SMS which contain a message “Alert! The water level reaches the critical level, please evacuate immediately”. Using SMS notification, the message will be directly receive by the public and they can prevent the possible hazard brought by the flood.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the main goal of this project is to develop a system that will warn people of the water level of the river and dams using SMS notification.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To design a system that will serve as a water level alert system to the public.
- Output of the system will automatically send an SMS to the people in case the water exceeds a certain level.
- Design a system that is efficient and reliable to use in monitoring water levels.
- To design a system that will help as a preventive measure in facing floods.
Significance of the Study
The following individuals or group will benefit from the success of the project:
General Public. Since the project was purposely designed for them, they will be highly benefited. The system will serve as their source of updates during calamities regarding the water levels. Through the updates, they will be prepared for the possible circumstances that are going to happen.
CDRRMO. The system will help them preventing risk brought by floods due to high water levels. The system will help them inform the public and take preventive measures.
Researchers. This capstone project will serve as their training ground to use their skills in computer programming. It would also be an opportunity for the researchers to solve a real world problems by providing an IT based solution.
Future Researchers. The study will help them in designing their own version of Water Level Indicator using SMS Notification.
Development Tools of the Project
The project on water level indicator will use the following technologies:
- Arduino and sensors – the study is a hardware based capstone project that requires arduino and necessary sensors for monitoring the water level and sending of text message or SMS.
- Java/C++ – the languages used in coding for arduino.
- It also has a web platform that stores and record the water level. The web platform will use PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
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