Water Billing System in PHP and MySQL
Water billing system is an online project which allows the water district management to post the bill of each customer and any other transactions related to water billing such as customer information, service record module and statement of accounts.
The online system can be accessed by the administrators and other staff of the organization and as well as the customers of the water district. The administrator can access all the modules of the project whereas the customers can only view their payment history and billing records.
Some of the screenshots and system module of the water billing system are presented below.
System Module and User Interface
- Water Billing System Billing Module
Module Description: This module allows the user to add billing information to the system such as customer, bill no., meter no., period from and to, previous and present reading, bill amount, bill date, due date, and status.
Table Fields and Entities: id, clientid, billno, meterno, periodfrom, periodto, previousreading, presentreading, billamount, billdate, duedate, accounted, status

- Water Billing System Customer Module
Module Description: User can add customers/clients and their information to the system. Information includes last name, first name, contact no,. address, and connection status.
Table Fields and Entities: id, lastname, firstname, contact, address, connectionstatus

- Water Billing System Invoice Module
Module Description: This module allows the user to add payment by selecting the billing information and entering the amount tendered.
Table Fields and Entities: id, clientid, billid, invoiceno, datepaid, amounttendered, accountid

- Water Billing System Users Module
Module Description: Administrator can add users of the system and setting the restrictions as encoder or cashier.
Table fields and Entities: id, username, password, fullname, contact, accounttype

- Based on the result of the study, the experts rated the system very high which translates that the system is recommended for utilization.
- If the system will be implemented it is necessary to train the personnel in the operation of the water billing system.
- The administration should also consider purchasing additional equipment such as computers, network equipment (switch, network cables, etc).
- Further enhancement can be done in order to improve the overall performance of the said system.
Development Tools:
PHP, MariaDB and Bootstrap 4
The system is also available in Visual Basic and MySQL