Introduction of Waste Management with Reward System
Table of Contents
The capstone project, “Waste Management with Reward System” is designed to persuade waste producers to reuse and recycle more wastes by giving rewards to members who actively participate in the waste management campaign. The said project will serve as a platform where all waste management-related records will be managed and kept.
At present, waste problem is still prevalent. The government is in continuous search for the solution of the arising waste management problem. One of the major factor that contributes to waste management problem is the behaviour of the public or the waste producers in managing their own waste. Most of the people do not practice recycling for their recyclable waste materials and do not dispose their garbage properly. The local government must have an effective system to encourage the public to be more mindful of their own wastes.
Proposed Solution
To address the problems mentioned above, the researchers of the study proposed a Waste Management with Reward System to encourage waste producer communities to engage in recycling activities and make use of different junkshops and recycling centers. The system will allow members to register and conveniently search for junkshops and recycling centers to dispose their recyclable waste materials. The proposed system will also record garbage collection data that will serve as a basis for rewards. The system is a helpful tool in persuading communities to reuse and recycle waste that causes risk and hazards.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the proponents of the project generally aim to design and develop a system that will help in encouraging communities to participate in waste recycling activities by giving rewards.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To develop a system that will record garbage collection that will serve as a basis for rewards.
- The system will allow members to conveniently search location of junkshops and recycling centers.
- To design a system that will serve as a repository of all waste management relevant records.
- Test and improve the system in terms of functionality and reliability.
- To design a system that will make waste management easy, fast and rewarding.
- Design a project that will store the records properly and in organize manner using the database technology
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is significant for the following individuals or groups:
Local Government. The system will assist them in encouraging the public to recycle materials in order to prevent the risk and hazards cause by wastes. The system will also help the government to save allotted funds for waste management projects.
Community/Waste Producers. The system will help them to conveniently dispose their waste materials by searching nearby junkshops and recycling centers. The system will also encourage them to properly manage their garbage to receive rewards.
Researchers. The success of the study will help them further enhance their knowledge and skills in developing successful programs.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their reference in developing updates for the system.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “Waste Management with Reward System” is a system that allows electronic record keeping of garbage collection report as a basis for giving rewards to active members who participate in recycling activities.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Waste Management with Reward System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
Waste Management with Reward System is a database driven system that will automate the processes of waste management with rewards. The system will help in persuading the public to be more mindful and dispose their garbage properly by giving rewards.
Listed below are the advantages of the Waste Management with Reward System:
- Automated recording- the system will allow the members to electronically record the garbage collection report.
- Records Management – it is a database system which makes the records of waste management reports electronic, safe, accurate, reliable and fast.
- Report Generation – the system automatically generate and provide real-time reports of the garbage collection which also serves as the basis for rewards
How the System Works
This article will introduce the forms, modules and user interface of the Waste Management with Reward System. We will now discuss the features and how the system will work.
Login Form – this form will be used by the intended users of the system when logging in to the system. The users will setup their own username and password which they will used to fill out the login form and access the system.
Shown below is the design of the login form.

Registration Form – this form will require the information of the users in order to register in the system. The user will enter the following data in the registration form.
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Gender
- Age
- Contact
- Address
- Profile
- Username
- Password
The image below is the design of the registration form.

Admin Account
Admin Dashboard – this dashboard will serve as the homepage of the system administrator. The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of Recycling Centers
- Number of Members
- Garbage Collected
The image shown below is the layout of the administrator’s dashboard.

Junkshop and Recycling Center – this form will require the administrator to encode the information of the registered junkshop and recycling center.
The following information will be entered using the junkshop and recycling center form:
- Name
- Address
- Contact
- Email Address
- Google Map Location
The image below is the design of the junkshop and recycling center form.

Garbage Type – this form will let the admin to enter the type of garbage. Th admin will fill in the following information:
- Name – (ex. Plastic, metal, paper)
- Description
- Reward
Shown below is the garbage type form design.

Member Information – this form will require the information of the members to be entered in the system. The form will need the following information of the members:
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Gender
- Age
- Contact
- Address
- Profile
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
The image below is the design of the members information form.

Collection Records – the form will require the system administrator to encode the following information for the records of collection.
- Member name
- Garbage Type
- Quantity
- Unit
- Total Amount
- Date
Shown below is the layout of the collection records form.

Statistics Report by Garbage Type – this page will display the statistical report of the garbage based on the garbage type. The report will be presented using table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the statistics report by garbage type.

Income Report by Center – this form will display the income report by center. The report will be presented using table and graph.
The image below is the design of the Income Report by Center form.

Member Account
The password of the zip file is f23sg45hw3$.
Dashboard – this dashboard will serve as the homepage of the registered members when logged in to the system.
The dashboard displays the following information:
The image shown below is the layout of the member’s dashboard.

Garbage Collection Report – this form will allow the members to input their garbage collection report. The member will input the following information in the system:
- Garbage Type
- Quantity
- Total Amount
- Date
- Upload of Scan Garbage
- Status – accepted, rejected
Shown below is the garbage collection report form design.

View Map of Junkshop and Recycling Center – this form will allow the members to view junkshop and recycling center map. The members will fill in the following information to view the location using Google map.
- Name
- Address
- Contact
- Email Address
- Google Map Location
The image shown below is the View Map of Junkshop and Recycling Center form design.
Waste materials are considered as a hazard and risk especially to human health. Wastes must be disposed properly to avoid possible serious effects. The study showed that there is a need of developing an effective system to encourage the public to actively participate and be responsible in managing their own waste. The proponents of the study developed a waste management with reward system and the result showed that the system met the needs and requirements of the respondents and the intended users.
The researchers concluded that the developed system is capable of persuading the public to reuse and recycle their wastes. The system will allow the users to conveniently search for junkshops and recycling centers where they can dispose their wastes. The system has a great potential in reducing the problems encountered in properly managing wastes.
The implementation of the Waste Management with Reward System is highly recommended by the researchers. The system will help and assist the local government in their campaign for waste management and will entice the public to reuse and recycle their recyclable waste by giving rewards. The researchers highly recommend the system for its efficiency and effectiveness. The intended users of the system should be armed with knowledge in order to correctly utilize the developed system.
The researchers of the project specifically recommend the following:
- The system should be used as a platform to encourage the public to fully participate in waste management campaigns by disposing and recycling their own wastes.
- The implementation of the system will attract more members to properly manage their waste in order to receive rewards.
- The system is highly recommended for its effectiveness in aiding the process of enticing the public or communities to properly disposed waste to reduce harm and risk.
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