Web-based Vocational Level E-Assessment Application
Table of Contents
In today’s digital era, we can accomplish our daily activities and tasks just by using our fingertips. This era introduced the used of computer technologies and the internet to navigate and complete our tasks and routines. The advent of technology is a real game-changer, it replaced every manual operation with the use of a systematic and technology-assisted method.
Vocational assessment is a critical process for every individual. Vocational assessment will test the strengths, unique skill set, aptitude, career interest, personality, and physical and mental health of an individual.
The capstone project, entitled “Web-based Vocational Level E-Assessment Application” is an online platform that allows educational institutions to assess the vocational level of students. The web-based application contains items that the users can answer to know their vocational level. Traditionally, schools conduct vocational level assessments manually. School personnel distributes assessment forms to students which are time-consuming and requires too much manual work.
The researchers will develop the project using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique. After the development process, the researchers will present the system to the panel of IT experts for evaluation. The researchers will revise the system according to the result of the evaluation. The researchers will gather a sample size of school staff and students to participate as respondents of the study.
The implementation of the system will introduce a highly accessible and available method of assessing vocational levels. The web-based application will allow schools to electronically gather information about a student’s interests, abilities, and aptitudes related to their vocational potential. Assessing vocational levels will be easier, simpler, accurate, and efficient.
Introduction of the Study
The capstone project, entitled “Web-based Vocational Level E-Assessment Application” is designed to electronically conduct the vocational level assessment. The web-based application will replace the traditional way of assessing the vocational level of students.
Traditionally, schools conduct vocational level assessments manually. School personnel distributes assessment form to students which are time-consuming and requires too much manual work. This method involves paperwork and requires manual interpretation of student’s results. The accuracy and validity of the vocational assessment result will become an issue because the manual method is prone to errors. With this, a more efficient and reliable method is needed to accurately assess student’s vocational level.
Proposed Solution
To resolve the above-mentioned concerns, the researchers of the study proposed the Web-based Vocational Level E-assessment application. The application will electronically aid the assessment process. The students will only need to access the web-based e-assessment application to easily determine their vocational level. By using the e-assessment application, the result of the vocational assessment will be highly accurate and reliable. The valid result of the assessment will allow the school and students to determine the strength and skills of the students for a potential job. The pre-existing methods will be eliminated which is time-consuming and error-prone. The system will make vocational assessment easier, simpler, accurate, and efficient.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective- The researchers generally aim to design, develop and implement a Web-based Vocational Level E-assessment application.
Specifically, the researchers aim the following objectives;
- To develop an electronic platform that will aid the vocational assessment process.
- To design a web-based vocational level e-assessment application that is user-friendly.
- To produce accurate and reliable assessment results using the application.
- To develop a system that will allow higher institutions to electronically conduct a vocational assessment of students.
- To implement a web-based application that is easy, efficient, reliable, and convenient to use.
- To evaluate the app in terms of quality, productivity, effectiveness, and user acceptability.
- To evaluate the developed system using ISO/IEC 9126 with the following quality characteristics
- Functionality
- Reliability
- Usability
- Efficiency
- Maintainability
- Portability
Scope of the Study
The researchers mainly focus on developing a web-based application that will be used to electronically aid vocational level assessment. The project is only limited to be used by educational institutions. The app will display an electronic assessment form to assess students’ vocational levels. The app will then display the result of the assessment to assess student’s interests, abilities, and aptitudes related to their vocational potential. The researchers will gather a sample size of school staff and students to participate as respondents of the study.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following:
Educational Institutions. The schools will not face any difficulties and challenges in conducting the occasional Vocational Level assessment for students.
Students. It will be easier for them to take the vocational assessment. They will not need to invest too much time and effort.
Researchers. The researchers of the study will gain more experience in developing successful systems. Their knowledge and skill will be enhanced.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their guide in developing their version of the Faculty Evaluation System.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “Web-based Vocational Level E-assessment Application” will automate the process of assessing a student’s vocational level. The system will assist the school to conveniently gather information about a student’s interests, abilities, and aptitudes related to their vocational potential.
This section of the paper will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Web-based Vocational Level E-assessment Application. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The Web-based Vocational Level E-assessment Application is an application designed to assess a student’s vocational level in an easy, accurate, and hassle-free manner.
The following are the advantages of the web-based application:
- Automated Assessment – the system will make it easier to determine student’s strengths and skills at their vocational level as a whole.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of the student’s vocational assessment result electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- User-Friendly – the application has a simple interface allowing users to easily use it.
Vocational assessment is a critical process for every individual. It allows every person to assess the personal strength and potential that is needed for a particular job. This study was conducted to develop a simpler and easier method to conduct the vocational assessment. The researchers developed an e-assessment application to ease up the process of determining the vocational level of students. The application was presented to the intended users and respondents of the study. The result of the study showed that the developed system met the expected project outcome.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the developed web-based application is an effective platform to conduct the vocational assessment. The respondents rated the application satisfactorily in terms of quality, productivity, effectiveness, and user acceptability. By using the application, assessing vocational level will be easier, simpler, accurate, and efficient.
The positive result of the study prompted the researchers to highly recommend the implementation of the system. The implementation of the system will introduce a highly accessible and available method of assessing vocational levels. It is strongly recommended for its efficiency and dependability that can be rendered to the intended users. The registrars suggest that the end-users should study well the features and how the system works.
The researchers specifically recommend the following:
- The researchers strongly suggest that schools should implement the use of the application to easily conduct student’s vocational level assessments.
- Students should use the e-assessment app to closely monitor their vocational level to easily determine potential careers for them.
- The researchers recommend the use of the app for it will enable assessing vocational level easy, fast and convenient.
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Credits to the developer(s) of the project/system
Web-based Vocational Level E-Assessment Application made with Laravel 8 and MySQL.
Application Video Demo: https://youtu.be/09UP6QwsEjI
Application Demo: https://digitori.my.id/e_penilaian_demo/
#Have 3 levels of Access (Admin, Teacher, Students) #
each role has different access
demo account below:
1. Role Admin
username / pass: admin / admin
2. Role Teacher
username/pass: guru_a/guru_a
3. Role Students
username / pass: student _ b / student _ b
The Master of Teacher
Student Master
Majoring Master
Master of the Subjects
Class Master
Reset Independent Password & By Admin
Master Assessment Transaction
Detailed Assessment Transaction (Per Student)
Students & Teacher Registration Modules
Report (Print)
Student Ranking Statistics Chart
App Setting
Student price only.
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