Violation Record Management System Review of Related Literature
The project entitled Violation Record Management System is a web based application that will manage and archive the student violations. This study is intended for the discipline committee of the institutions. PHP, MariaDB and Bootstrap were used for the development of the said system.

This study chapter deals with the study Related literature, Related studies, local concepts, foreign concepts and Prior Art.
Foreign Concepts
Electronic System
Through the years, the government has created numerous strategic to make prison less populated. Electronic Monitoring, one of the newest inventions, is a prime example of how to keep the population to a minimal in penitentiaries. It has also helped monitor other community correction programs for people in parole, which is the main point why the electronic control. Besides, it is consistently used in day programs, and probation circumstance’s that a court puts upon a crime. Due to its excellent success rate, it has been given employed in different parts of the world. Countries like Canada and the United Kingdom have adopted this new monitoring system due to its effectiveness. Electronic Monitoring is practiced in any circumstances in which criminal have been given the liberty to be on any probation or during their parole. Although convict may not be in prison, constant supervision is provided without the need for a jail cell. This surveillance is used during both the Pretrial monitoring and post-trial monitoring process. Pretrial supervision enforced when the criminal can spend time at home because of financial problems or when the court decides that it would be best to refrain from this person being behind bars while awaiting a sentence. This system is more efficient not only for the government but the prison as well.
( 112057.html)

Student Record
As cited on the website of Duke University (2016), under the student services. When students/groups are found responsible for a violation of university policy through an administrative or Undergraduate Conduct Board hearing, or accept responsibility through an agreement, the case will be recorded on a student’s/group’s disciplinary record. The record will be maintained by the Office of Student Conduct and kept by FERPA. Individual disciplinary records are kept on file for eight years from the date of a student’s matriculation, except in cases resulting in suspension or expulsion, in which disciplinary records are kept indefinitely.
Students have two records at Duke, a permanent academic transcript maintained by the registrar and a disciplinary record held by the Office of Student Conduct. All disciplinary violations processed through our office are noted on the disciplinary record for eight years from the date of a student’s matriculation, except in cases resulting in suspension or expulsion.
Student Conduct Violation Report Form
As cited on the Website of Park University the primary intent of this report form is to set forth community standards necessary to maintain and protect an environment conducive to learning. Park University standards reflect higher expectations of behavior than may be prevalent outside the University community. A suspicion of wrongdoing, based on probable cause, must exist before the student shall be subject to disciplinary review. Throughout the judicial procedures, staff will ensure that students receive adequate due process and make sure that their rights are protected.
Student Violation Record System with SMS technology for San Sebastian Recoletos Canlubang
According to Lorenzo T. Sanchez (2016), Students’ Violation Record System with SMS Technology for SSCR is an identification system that provides and process record under students’ violations and student’s logs. Also, this system can search module that will quickly retrieve a student data through the database. Automatically inform the parents about the violation made by their children in school using SMS technology. And generate transaction number as a unique identity of each violation sheet and to quickly check the abuse made by the student.
Records Management
Storage of files has always been a fundamental objective of information systems. However in the past decade managing sensitive information throughout its lifecycle, from creation to destruction (or archival), has become of significant importance. The increasing awareness of the impact of technology on privacy has added momentum to the need to have better enforcement of records retention policies. Organizations today not only have to comply with regulations, but also have to maintain a balance between operational record keeping requirements, minimizing the liability of storing private information, and customer privacy preference. This work will not attempt to define the term “record” in the broad context. Instead, the term will be treated in all its generality and then applied to the world of relational databases. Without attempting to differentiate words such as data, knowledge, information and record, it is recommended that the reader maintains a simple but consistent definition of a record throughout this thesis. (
The related studies and concepts included in this study provide significant bases on the proposal of Violation Record Management System. There were a lot of related studies discussed with the transition of the organization from manual practiced to the social platform, especially in violation of students.
The relevant literature, studies, and technical background confirm the researcher’s perspective for the success of making Violation Record Management System.
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