Introduction of the Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offense System
Table of Contents
The capstone project,” Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offense System” will streamline the process of franchising vehicle and managing driver’s offenses. The said project will serve as a centralized system which the government agency in charge for driver offenses will record and maintain all information about the vehicles.
A vehicle has become a large part of our daily commuting needs. People uses vehicle to get to work, visit places and for moving around to run errands. Due to the large number of vehicles present in the road every day, it is inevitable to encounter driver offenses while in the road such as reckless driving, driving without helmet and other determined offenses while driving. Officers in charge in roads are dealing with driver’s violation every day. They are using pen and paper in recording details of offenses committed by the drivers in which records are prone to error. Payment for the violation is also done personally which takes valuable time from both the enforcer and the driver. The current method is thought to be inefficient and ineffective which needs an improvement. Franchising vehicle also needs improvement for if it is done manually it involves loads of paper works and inconvenient for both parties.
Proposed Solution
To address the above mentioned problems encountered in the manual method, the researchers of the study proposed a Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offense System. The proposed software will be used to electronically process and manage vehicle and franchising and driver’s offenses. The proposed software will eliminate the manual method which involves a lot of paper works and consumes valuable amount of time. The proposed project will serve as a centralized platform was recording and paying for the offenses committed by the drivers will be processed. The system will quicken the process of completing transaction between the enforcers and the drivers. Vehicle franchising and managing driver offenses will be easy, fast and convenient using the system.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the main goal of the project is to design and develop a vehicle franchising and driver’s offense software to automate the process of managing vehicle franchises and drivers offenses.
The project specifically aims the following objectives:
- To design software that will electronically manage vehicle franchising papers.
- To design software that will allow automated process of recording driver offenses.
- To develop software that will allow electronic process of payment for the offenses committed.
- The software will have user-friendly interface to be widely used by the intended users.
- The software will make vehicle franchising and management of drivers offenses easy, fast and convenient.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following individuals or group:
Enforcers. The success of the project will highly benefit them. The software will ease up their job in recording details about the offense committed by the drivers. The paper works they handle will be minimized by using the system.
Drivers. They can use the software to electronically complete their transaction regarding the violation they committed such as the payment.
Researchers. The success of the study will be further enhanced their skills and knowledge as developers.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as a guide for the future researchers in developing updates for the software.
Development Tools
Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offense System automates the process of managing transactions for vehicle franchises and drivers offenses. The system will allow recording of offenses, payments and other activities related to getting vehicle franchises and managing drivers offenses.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offenses Software. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The capstone project on Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offense System is a database driven system that will record and store records of offenses committed by drivers when driving. The system will also allow electronic transaction between the operators, drivers and enforcers.
Advantages of the Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offense System are the following:
- Automated Information Management- information about the vehicle franchises and drivers offenses will be managed electronically
- Records Management – it is a database system which makes the records of drivers offenses electronic, safe, accurate, reliable and fast.
- Report Generation – the system automatically generates and provides real-time reports about the income as well as reports about the number of offenses per month.
How the System Works
This section of the paper will discuss the flow of the system by showing the forms, modules and user interface of the Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offenses Software. We will now discuss the features of the system.
Features by User type
Administrator account can:
- Manage Operator Records – (CRUD) create and update the information of the operators.
- Manage Driver Records – (CRUD) create and update the information of the drivers profile.
- Manage Vehicle Records – (CRUD) create and update the information of the vehicle records and specification.
- Manage Enforcer Records – (CRUD) create and update the information of the enforcers.
- Manage Operator Records – (CRUD) create and update the information of the operators.
- Manage Offenses Records – update, processes and keep track of the offenses details and information.
- Manage Payment Records – accepts and processes the payment for offenses.
- Report Generation – view and print reports on income, offenses per month, and type of offenses
Operator and Driver account can:
- View list of offenses
- View payment history
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Administrator Account
Login Form – the login form will be used by the intended users of the system in accessing the system. The users will have their own unique username and password for them to be able to log in to the system.
Shown below is the design of the log in form.
Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the home page of the administrator when logged in to the system. The administrator’s dashboard displays the following information:
- Number of Operators
- Number of Drivers
- Number of Vehicles
- Number of Offenses
- Income
The image shown below is the design of the administrator’s dashboard.

Operator Information – this form requires the information of the vehicles operator to be encoded in the system. The administrator or encoder must enter the following information in the operator’s information form.
- Operator Control Number – system generated
- Name of Operator
- Address
- Contact
- TIN No
- Expiration
- Profile Image
- Username
- Password
The image below is the design of the operator’s information form.

Driver Information – the driver’s information form requires the information of the drivers to be inputted in the system. The following information should be filled out in the form:
- Driver Control Number – system generated
- Name of Operator
- Address
- Contact
- License No
- OR/CR Expiration
- Franchise Expiration
- Profile Image
- Username
- Password
Shown below is the design of the driver’s information form.

Vehicle Information – this form requires the information about the vehicle to be encoded in the system. The form should be filled out with the following information:
- Vehicle Code – System Generated
- Vehicle Type -(ex. Car, Van)
- Vehicle Model -(ex. Camry, Civic)
- Engine Number
- Franchise Number
- Operator Number
- Driver Name
The image below is the design of the vehicle’s information form. (visit our facebook page for the complete screenshots)
Enforcer Information – this form requires the information of the enforcers to be entered in the system. The following information mentioned below are required:
- Enforcer Code – System generated
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Profile Image
- Contact
- Address
- Username
- Password
Shown below is the design of the enforcer’s information form.

Offense Type – this form requires the information about the type of offense committed by the vehicle’s driver. The information below should be inputted in the system:
- Offense name – (ex. reckless driving, driving without helmet)
- Description
The image below is the design of the offense type form.
Offense Information – the offense information form requires the administrator to add and edit information about the offense committed by the driver.
The form requires the following information:
- Offense Code – System Generated
- Offense name – combo box
- Remarks
- Date
- Driver – combo box
- Operator – combo box
- Vehicle – combo box
- Enforcer
- Status (pending, paid)
Shown below is the design of the offense information form.
Payment Information – this form requires the payment information made by the offender. The following information should be entered:
- Receipt Number
- Amount
- Offense code
- Paid By
- Payment Date
The image shown below is the design of the payment information form.
Income Report – this from requires and displays the information of the income per month. The income report is presented using table and graph.
The image below is the design of the income report form.

Number Offenses Report- this form requires and displays the report of the number of offenses by month. The number of offenses report will be presented using a table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the number of offenses report form.

Type of Offenses – this form will displays the information about the type of offenses. The report about the type of offenses will be presented using a chart that shows the percentage of every type of the offenses committed.
Shown below is the form design of the type of offenses.

Operator Account
Operator Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the operator when logged in to the system. The dashboard mainly display the following information:
- Number of vehicles
- Number of offenses
The image below is the design of the operator’s dashboard.

List of offenses – this form requires and displays the list of offenses of the drivers to be handled by the operator. The form needs the following information:
- Offense Code – System Generated
- Offense name – combo box
- Remarks
- Date
- Driver – combo box
- Vehicle – combo box
- Enforcer
- Status (pending, paid)
Shown below is the design of the list of offenses form.
Payment History – this page will allow the operator to view payment history of offenses. The form displays the following information:
- Receipt Number
- Amount
- Offense code
- Paid By
- Payment Date
The image below is the design of the payment history form.
Driver Account
Driver Dashboard – this dashboard will serve as the homepage of the driver when logged in to the system. The driver’s dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of vehicles
- Number of offenses
Shown below is the design of the driver’s dashboard.
List of offenses – this form will display the list of offenses committed by the drivers. The driver can use this form to browse for the offenses he committed. The form have the following information listed below.
- Offense Code – System Generated
- Offense name
- Remarks
- Date
- Operator
- Vehicle
- Enforcer
- Status (pending, paid)
The image shown below is the design of the list of offenses form.

Payment History – this form will allow the drivers to see payment history of the offenses. The page displays the following information:
- Receipt Number
- Amount
- Offense code
- Paid By
- Payment Date
The image shown below is the design of the payment history form.

Nowadays, vehicles are not only considered as luxury but also a necessity for almost everyone. Increasing number of vehicle owners also increases the numbers of road violators. The researchers of the study found out that the manual method of managing drivers offenses is seen as inefficient and ineffective. Thus, a need for implementing a Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offenses Software is needed. The study showed that the Vehicle Franchising and Drivers offenses software met the need of the respondents and its intended users. Majority of the respondents and the intended users have seen the potential of the system in completely eliminating the manual method of processing the above mentioned transactions.
The researchers concluded that the implementation of the said project will provide an efficient way to effectively record and store information about the offenses committed by the drivers. By using the system, all the lapses encountered in the conventional method will be eliminated and will be replaced with an electronic one. The developed system will make vehicle franchising and driver’s offenses related transaction easy, fast and convenient.
The implementation of the Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offense System is highly recommended by the researchers. Due to its potential to efficiently and effectively manage the process or recording and completing transaction in terms of franchising vehicle and managing offenses committed by the drivers. The system will streamline the process of ensuring that accurate and fair penalties will be given to the drivers. The implementation of the system will significantly help the drivers and enforcers to process transactions without the need of manual interventions. The system is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered in dealing issues and violations in roads. The intended users of the system should be armed with knowledge in order to correctly utilized the developed system.
The researchers of the project recommend the following:
- The Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offenses Software should be fully implemented in order to replace the manual method of recording, processing and paying for offenses which are prone to human errors to an electronic one.
- The implementation of the developed Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offense System is highly recommended for it ensures accurate and secure record keeping.
- The system is highly recommended for it will make Franchising Vehicle and managing driver’s offenses – related transaction easy, fast and hassle-free.
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