Travel and Events Portal Capstone Project Proposal
Proposed System
The researchers of the system entitled Travel and Events Portal aimed to provide a platform for transaction between admin panel and the users who are in search of tours and event related information. The system will let the transaction be hassle-free, convenient, faster and easier for both sides. The system will allow the admins to manage and provide locations, regions, packages and tours that are available to offer. Through this system the users will just register and then it will be easier for them to search for location based and package based travel and events. In this proposed system, the proponents aimed to develop a change in the field of searching travels and events in to more current system that doesn’t requires much effort and time. The proposed system Travel and Event Portal can easily provide and display to the users the different tours and travel packages depending on their interest. The management of the system will be on the administrators. The admins can determine how many users have registered and search for their preferred tours and event packages. In addition, the owners of different tourist location can easily advertise the availability of their offered packages. This strategy of marketing can reach a larger number of customers.

System Implementation
Travel and Events Portal is a proposed system that was presented to the end users to recognize their suggestions and ideas for further enhancement and improvement of the system. This is done through providing questionnaire to answer different questions, clarifications and difficulties that might be encountered upon operating the system.
Objectives of the Study
- This is to provide a hassle-free travel and events inquiring system.
- To provide fast, accurate and efficient way of displaying and searching travel and tour packages.
- To create system that would let the management easily monitor registered users who inquire for travel and event packages.
- To create a system that is very accessible by the users anytime.
- Provide accurate and up-to-date information to the users.
- To develop a system by the use of computer technology.
Significance of the Study
The following group or individuals will benefit from this system.
Administrators/Management. When the study results satisfactory, the admins will be able to easily analyze and organized all the information related to their business. This will lead to a more improved business process.
Customers/Users. Using the system the customer will easily have a transaction with the personnel for their queries.
Proponents. If this project succeed, the proponents will be benefited. They will know thoroughly how the system operate accurately.
Project Plan/SDLC
The researcher used software development life cycle (SDLC) in this project.
First, the researchers determine the project requirements. This is where researchers determine the requirements of the proposed system such as software and hardware to be used.
Second, the researchers gather data through conducting an interview to the management office to determine the important information needed for the system.
Third, the researchers analyzed the data gathered from the management office. This is to be able to identify the necessary information needed for the development of the system.
Fourth, the researchers design the system basing on the requirements specified. This is where the design of the system is presented in a detailed and organized manner.
Fifth, the researchers encode the codes while keeping in mind the previously defined requirements. It is also performed in this stage the debugging process to determine the flaws of the codes and removed critical issues. In this stage, the researchers make sure that the software workflow is stable.

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