Top 35 Free School Related IT Capstone Project
Table of Contents
- Top 35 Free School Related IT Capstone Project
- School Event Attendance Monitoring System
- OJT Records Monitoring System
- Mobile Based Exam Schedule Notification App
- Capstone Project Monitoring System
- Advance school management System
- Document Log Monitoring System
- Student Offense Management System
- Mobile Based Year Book Gallery App
- Online Entrance Exam with Course Recommendation System
- Document Archiving and Profiling for DepEd
- AdviseMobile Web and Mobile Guidance Consultation System
- Social Media Control and Advance Monitoring using Digital Parenting
- Online School Documents Processing System
- Responsive Web Based ELearning with SMS
- SMS Based Grade Inquiry System
- School Portal Kit
- Clearance Processing System for Students and Faculty
- Research Project Monitoring and Evaluation System
- Faculty Deliverables Monitoring with SMS Notification
- Integrated Human Resource Management System Capstone Project
- Android-Based Library Catalog App
- Mobile Based Instructional Material for Agriculture
- Online School Documents Processing with Payment System
- JRDroid a Mobile App for Jose Rizal
- Alternative Learning System Student Tracking Application
- Web and Mobile Newsletter App with Forum for School Publication
- Mobile Based Tuition Fee Payment App using Dragon Pay API
- Complaint Handling and Evaluation Management with Business Analytics
- Procurement, Inventory, and Supply Monitoring System
- Human Resources Information System
- Preventive Maintenance of Equipment with QR Code
- Scholar Profiling Information System
- Digital School Management
- eClass management system
- Online School Facilities Inventory and Monitoring System with Barcode
- Summary
This article is a compilation of the Top 35 Free School-related IT Capstone Project of our team. The content of this paper might help future researchers regarding their project’s documentation. The capstone projects listed below are free of charge and you may use them according to your needs. The team just needs you to give proper credit to the site if it will be used for your capstone project requirements.
School Event Attendance Monitoring System
School Event Attendance Monitoring System is designed to monitor student’s attendance during school events. The system will streamline the process of checking and monitoring student’s attendance in every school event. The list of the students, officers, and events will be stored in the system wherein the officers will have access and will be in charge of monitoring the attendance of the students during school events.
The system will eliminate the manual process of monitoring school attendance. The manual process which is mostly done by hand is prone to human errors. The manual attendance monitoring is ineffective and outdated. The School Event Attendance Monitoring System will eliminate the conventional attendance checking and monitoring during school events. It will be easier to monitor the attendance using the system. The system will be responsible for keeping the records of students present during the school event. The process of monitoring will also be paperless which will lessen the time spent and hassle of the officer in charge.
Students undergo on-the-job training to prepare them for their future work positions. While they are in their training they are being monitored and their records are kept for it Is an important reference and proof of their training completion. Manually and traditionally of record-keeping and monitoring, some adversities can’t be avoided like losing some records of the trainees and barriers between the interaction of trainees and the coordinator and manager. The manual method is not an effective tool to manage all aspects of on-the-job training.

The capstone project entitled “ OJT Records Monitoring System” is a system that allows organizations to keep track and monitor students who undergo on-the-job training. The system will automate keeping of the student trainee record for easy monitoring and retrieval of data. The system will serve as a repository of records of the students who undergo OJT in an organization. The system will allow the organization specifically the OJT coordinator to keep track of the progress of the trainee as well as the task completed.
Mobile Based Exam Schedule Notification App
The Mobile Based Exam Schedule Notification App is an app that will help students with their exam schedules. This app has a feature that will notify students about their schedule just by logging in. The students will only need their ID number to log in and have access to their schedule even without going to their departments to see the list of schedules.
The application will improve the manual system of providing the schedule of exams to the students. The students will no longer have to look at the list of their schedules because they can access their schedules by simply logging in to the app using their student numbers, it will automatically show the schedule of students’ exams.
To resolve the problems encountered in the pre-existing methods in monitoring capstone projects, the researchers proposed a Capstone Project Monitoring System. The system aims to provide a platform wherein the monitoring of capstone projects is a lot easier, faster, and accessible. The system will let students easily provide updates and communicate to their advisers in case of difficulties. The system will also let them pass their capstone project conveniently. The proposed system will eliminate the issues encountered in the manual method and is more efficient and reliable to use.

Capstone Project Monitoring System is a system that allows monitoring the progress of the capstone project of the students. The system will enable students to communicate easily with their adviser regarding the updates of their capstone project.
Advance school management System
School management is a critical process for every educational institution. Efficient school management leads the school towards development. It helps schools achieve short-term and long-term goals and for the betterment of the operation and services offered by the school to its stakeholders.
The capstone project, entitled “Advance School Management System” is designed to advance and improve the system used in managing schools. It is designed to streamline different school management processes. The system is capable of collecting and storing different information. It will efficiently manage different school management areas like student management, teacher management, subject management, class management, expenses management, school fee management, and much more.
Document Log Monitoring System
The project “Document Log Monitoring System” aims to implement a system that will monitor all activities that are recorded in a system. This project will help in identifying malicious attacks in the system, especially to those invaluable documents. Having this log monitoring system will keep the user feel secure and confident that all documents and activities done in the system are not maliciously accessed by others.
As technology continues to upgrade, the risk tagged along with it also increases. One of these is the risk of attacks in our system. As risk increases, security should also be tightened. Securing different files and activities in our system is essential to avoid being maliciously altered by cybercriminals. Given the large amount of log data generated by systems, it is not practical to manually review all of it every day. We need a system to do the responsibility of automatically monitor all of the recorded logs. Thus, the development of the Document Log Monitoring System is highly needed.
The Student Offense Management System is designed to efficiently manage and monitor student’s records of offenses. This system is intended to be used by different institutions to keep their student’s records. By integrating the system, students’ records of offenses would be securely managed and will be held confidential. Only those who have an authority that needed the student’s record as a report can access the system. These records are highly important to monitor the status of the students.
The project will be available online and will be accessible by authorized personnel in the institutions to regularly monitor the students’ activities especially their record of the offense. The system can also generate detailed reports that are needed by the discipline committees. The proposed system will bring efficiency and convenience for students and personnel in charge.
Mobile Based Year Book Gallery App
The capstone project entitled “ Mobile Based Year Book Gallery App” is a platform wherein School Year Books will be available using mobile technology. The application will serve as an online gallery of school yearbooks for easy and convenient access by the students and school staff.
This capstone project will eliminate the above-mentioned problems by designing and developing a platform wherein yearbooks will be available and accessible. The system application has a feature wherein the students and the staff can view and reminisce memories from the yearbook without seeking a hard copy. The application will also serve as a repository of photos and events for easy compilation. The system will reduce the cost and time consumed in producing a copy of a yearbook.
Online Entrance Exam with Course Recommendation System
The researchers of this study aim to design and develop a platform for fast and efficient college entrance examinations. The proposed solution is to have a computer-assisted examination. The entrance examination will be online-based; the staff in charge will not prepare a lot of examination papers anymore. The students also will not need to prepare things like pens and others. They will only utilize the system to take their entrance examination. If the students also are still undecided as to what course they would take, they can also use the system to browse for course recommendations. This system will improve the conventional way of taking entrance examinations.
Document Archiving and Profiling for DepEd
The researchers conducted the study to assess how the Department of Education conducts document archiving and profiling. The researchers found out that the majority of school papers and documents are manually stored in physical storage or using outdated systems. This method of document archiving is prone to human errors. Accuracy and traceability of outgoing and incoming documents are also difficult.
The capstone project, titled “Document Archiving and Profiling for DepEd,” is an electronic platform for the Department of Education to securely store school-related documents and records. Electronic profiling would also be possible using the system. The system would assist the Department of Education in preventing data loss and ensuring that only approved individuals have access to records. The system will replace the manual method of archiving documents as well as profiling DepEd. Accuracy and traceability of the documents will be easier.
AdviseMobile Web and Mobile Guidance Consultation System
The capstone project entitled “ AdviseMobile: A Web and Mobile Based Guidance Consultation System” is a web and mobile-based platform for guidance consultation. The system support queries by users that seek guidance counseling.
The system will have two sides, the user side, and the admin side. The user side is those who wish to seek guidance counseling, students are most likely the users of this system. The admin side will be the different guidance counselors. The system will serve as a platform where guidance consultation takes place. The system will eradicate the physical barriers and time constraints in the conventional way of guidance consultation.
The capstone project, entitled “Social Media Control and Advance Monitoring using Digital Parenting” is designed to help parents regulate children’s engagement with the internet and digital media. The said project will assist parents in transitioning to digital parenting. The said project will help parents control children’s screen time and the role of technology plays in the family.
The researcher will develop the Digital Parenting System introducing ways how to monitor and control the social media engagement of their children. The system will though parent digital parenting matters such as behaviors they must adopt to successfully conduct digital parenting to their children.
Online School Documents Processing System
“Online School Documents Processing System” is a capstone project intended to be an online platform for processing different school documents. Processing of school documents will be done electronically by the use of the system.
The researchers of this study aim to develop a system that will serve as a platform for processing all school documents. The system will serve as the storage of all school-related documents stored in a centralized database. The system will get rid of all the hard copies of documents and clear out tons of stuff that has taken up so much physical space. By the use of the system, the documents are processed in a very timely manner and respond to school documents requests in a quick efficient way.
The proposed online learning platform would be a very useful tool not only to the administrator and teachers of the school but it would bring a centralized repository of learning materials that would benefit the students and learners of the school. The importance of online learning is most appropriate for everybody. Quick delivery of information and a unified approach is the other advantage of the proposed system. The implementation of the proposed system would give assurance to the concerned parties that education will continue despite the problems brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.
SMS Based Grade Inquiry System
Grades reflect and measure student’s performance in school. Grades also serve as a basis for educators to guide and facilitate student’s learning development. It is important to correctly calculate grades for the benefit of both the students and educators. The capstone project entitled “SMS Based Grade Inquiry System” is an SMS-based platform for students to inquire about their grades. The grades are encoded in a database that can easily be converted into an SMS message to be sent to those students who inquire about grades.
The SMS-based system will help students know their garnered grades at the end of the semester without leaving their homes. The students just need to send a text message request to the system and they will be automatically receiving an SMS message containing their grades in a specific semester and school year. The students can be assured that they will be receiving the correct and secured report of grades considering that students only with the correct ID number and password will be catered by the system. The system is efficient and will lessen the burden of the students in inquiring about their grades.
School Portal Kit
The capstone project, “School Portal Kit” is intended to be used by educational institutions. It is designed to streamline different school management processes. Conventionally, different management areas are managed separately using manual approaches. This involves paper works, physical storage for record-keeping, and face-to-face transactions. The manual method is ineffective and efficient and schools often encounter errors and serious challenges.

The implementation of the system will result in a stable educational system and will enable teachers to give their best in providing quality education to students. The School Portal Kit will provide improved education solutions through the use of innovative technology. This will make school management easy, accurate.
Clearance processing is critical for determining whether students and faculty members have met the school’s requirements. Processing clearance in the traditional manner requires a pen and paper approach, which is time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to validate signatures. Academic institutions need a method for processing clearances that is both time-efficient and guarantees the integrity and consistency of the clearance.
The capstone project, ” Clearance Processing System for Students and Faculty,” is a web and mobile-based application that students and faculty can use to process clearances. The system is designed to make the process easier while also ensuring the integrity and accuracy of clearances.
Research Project Monitoring and Evaluation System
The researchers generally aim to design and develop a system that will automate the monitoring and evaluation of research projects. “Research Project Monitoring and Evaluation System”, is a capstone project that is intended to monitor and evaluate the research project of students. The system will enable students to communicate easily with their faculty mentor regarding the updates of their research project.
The system will eliminate the conventional way of monitoring and evaluating research projects, the researchers of the study aims to develop a system that will automate the said processes. The proposed system is the Research Project Monitoring and Evaluation System, a system that will serve as a platform where students and instructors communicate about the progress and updates of the research project. The system will bring convenience to both sides, the students and the instructors.
The capstone project, “ Faculty Deliverables Monitoring with SMS Notification” is a web-based project that will enable faculty to upload their deliverables such as grades, syllabuses, and learning materials. Faculty members and department heads will be able to interact more easily with one another, as well as keep track of the requirements and files submitted by the faculty members. The said project has also a notification feature via SMS that will remind the faculty about the deadline of requirements.

The application will allow the faculty members to upload their requirements and deliverables online. The system will serve as the central repository of their deliverables where faculty members and department heads will have access. The faculty members will submit their deliverables through the system and the department heads will also approve the requirements submitted by the faculty. Communication will be easier and monitoring will ease up. Traditional communication will be eliminated and will be replaced through SMS notifications.
Integrated Human Resource Management System Capstone Project
The human resources department within any company or organization plays a vital role in the success of the entire company. HR involves many functions such as providing skilled and talented labor up to providing training services for the employee’s improvement, employee enrichment opportunities, and other activities that improve the efficiency of the employees to contribute to the success of the organization. The activities involved in HR if handled manually will most likely encounter human errors. To function optimally, the HR departments must have the right tools and resources to help HR employees and managers improve their efficiency and productivity in carrying out their tasks.
The researchers of the project proposed Integrated Human Resources Management System as a tool for improving the efficiency and productivity of the HR departments in managing all the activities they are involved with. The project is software that intersects HR department and technology and will enable all related activities to HR to be managed electronically. The proposed HR management system is consists of electronic databases for storing, reporting, and analyzing data that enables HR managers to design and manage a comprehensive HR strategy. The system will link all HR data for easy access and availability.
Android-Based Library Catalog App
Libraries serve as one source of knowledge that provides numerous resources such as books, articles, journals, and many more. One of the main services offered by libraries is the borrowing of books. The existing system which is web applications of managing book borrowing in libraries is ineffective and is not highly accessible especially for those who only have mobile phones. The existing system is not effective in managing all tasks a library should accomplish in providing better services to the users. The library users may encounter difficulties in finding, identifying, selecting, and obtaining the resources they needed.
The capstone project entitled “Android-based Library Catalog App” is an android-based application that allows users to successfully find, identify, select and obtain resources in libraries. The application will help users conveniently access resources without the supervision of librarians.
Mobile Based Instructional Material for Agriculture
The conventional method of giving students instructional materials in school is through books or printed materials. And these include the course instructional materials in agriculture. This method requires students to go to academic facilities to avail learning materials which consumes valuable time and effort that they can instead invest in studying. The same goes with the faculties who spend time preparing their instructional materials for the students instead of spending time facilitating students. Academic institutions continue looking for ways on how to advance their learning methods.
Since technology is rapidly growing in all aspects of modern societies, and education is no exception, the researchers of this project aim to integrate mobile-based instructional materials to facilitate learning in agriculture. The mobile-based application will contain instructional materials in learning the different scopes of the agriculture-related course. This method of learning enables the ability to share knowledge without any limits in space and time and the capacity to facilitate learning anytime and anywhere. The proposed system of learning will eliminate paper works and limitations in accessing learning materials for agriculture.
Academic institutions keep important documents of students such as student records, student’s school forms, transcripts of records, and others. Traditionally speaking, students will visit the school registrars to request a document they needed and make payment. The manual method can consume valuable time and too much effort. This method is inefficient in meeting the needs of the students in securing their documents due to physical barriers and time constraints.
The capstone project, titled “Online School Documents Processing with Payment System,” is a system used in processing and paying for school documents online. The students can request documents as well as pay for it through a specified online payment system.
JRDroid a Mobile App for Jose Rizal
The capstone project, “JRDroid: Mobile Application for Jose Rizal” is designed for students as an accessible resource of learnings about Dr. Jose Rizal. Conventionally, students depend on their instructors and books for knowledge about the life, works, and writings of Rizal. The conventional method is not efficient in providing students with all the learnings they want about Dr. Jose Rizal.
The researchers of the study aim to develop a mobile application as an alternative source of information for students about Dr. Jose Rizal. The mobile application will significantly benefit students in completing the course Rizal with enough knowledge. The application will serve as an effective alternative for students to easily and conveniently browse for information about the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal.
Alternative Learning System Student Tracking Application
The Alternative Learning System is a non-formal education program that is designed for out-of-school youth and adults that needs basic literacy skills. ALS is a non-formal education system meaning students aren’t present in school settings every day, instead they are required to attend learning sessions based on the agreed schedule between them and the ALS instructors. The ALS program usually tracks their student’s status by manually collecting the records and data of the students. The manual approach is ineffective for it takes a lot of time and effort and is also prone to human errors. Since students are only present during agreed schedules, it is hard for the ALS instructors to track their performance since their records are not intact.
The capstone project, titled “Alternative Learning System Student Tracking Application” is designed for tracking student’s records and progress under the Alternative Learning System program. The current system of tracking ALS students is done by manually collecting and keeping their records and data to assess their progress which is prone to errors and inconvenience.
The researchers conducted the study to assess one role of the schools which is to publish a school paper that contains and reflects important events that happened in school within the school year. Most of the schools use the conventional method of crafting school publications, in which writers are required to personally conduct meetings and manually collect and write the contents of the publication. The researchers thought that this method is ineffective and inefficient.

As a response, the researchers developed a solution that uses technology. The researchers developed a capstone project entitled, “Web and Mobile Newsletter App with Forum for School Publication”. The said project will allow electronic crafting and publishing of school publications. The project will allow schools to save time and effort as well as the cost of producing hard copies of the school publication.
Mobile Based Tuition Fee Payment App using Dragon Pay API
The capstone project entitled, “Mobile Based Tuition Fee Payment App using Dragon Pay API” is a mobile-based application that allows an automated process of paying tuition fees. The application is designed to be used by educational institutions and their students to pay for tuition electronically using Dragon Pay API.
The development of the application will significantly benefit both, the schools and the students. The students would not need to spend a lot of time and fall in long queues just to pay for their tuition fees. The application will also ease up the job of the school’s cashier, it will lessen their paper works as well as the time they spent in responding to personal queries of the students for tuition fee payment transactions.
Complaint Handling and Evaluation Management with Business Analytics
Paying attention to customer’s complaints will allow organizations to gain customer loyalty and increase customer connection. Customer complaints are inevitable due to product unsatisfactory and errors committed by service providers. Business industries need an effective tool that allows them to manage and evaluate efficiently the customers’ complaints.
The capstone project, “Complaint Handling and Evaluation Management with Business Analytics” is a system designed to help organizations handle customer complaints and evaluations by analyzing collected data using statistical methods and technologies to obtain new insights and enhance strategic decision-making for customer satisfaction.
The capstone project, entitled “Procurement, Inventory and Supply Monitoring System” is intended for businesses that offered products to customers. The system will ease up the whole process of product procurement, inventory, and monitoring of supplies. The proposed system will ensure that the company has an adequate supply of the products they offer.

The implementation of the system will improve business efficiency and the overall experience of the customers in availing enough supply of the products they need. Procuring products will be easier for the company if they will consider using the system, they would not need to manually look for suppliers. Inventory and monitoring of supplies will also be convenient by using the system.
Human Resources Information System
HRIS stands for Human Resource Information System. The HRIS automates the multi-faceted complexities of HR processes. The software will eliminate data duplication and provide a single source of information that will be used by the organization. It will serve as a centralized repository of master data that is vital in the completion of different HR processes.

The Human Resources Information System is purposely designed for an organization’s human resources. The said project is software that intersects the HR department and technology that will enable all related activities to HR to be managed electronically. The system collects store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve and distribute information regarding the organization’s HR. The HRIS is capable to provide HR professionals with the information they need in a timely fashion. The system will electronically link all HR data for easy access and availability.
The capstone project, “Preventive Maintenance of Equipment with QR Code” is QR-code-based preventive maintenance for equipment. Different pieces of equipment will have specific QR codes that, when scanned, will provide information and allow users to keep track of the equipment’s status. It is an automated system designed to ensure that equipment does not break or wear out unpredictably.
The implementation of the system is deemed beneficial for companies that heavily rely on machines or equipment for their business operations. The system’s main purpose is to track the status and condition of the equipment by scanning the QR-code assigned to each component. The proposed project will resolve all issues and difficulties that existed in the previous system for inspecting the condition of equipment and ensuring that it is properly maintained and functioning.
Scholar Profiling Information System
The researchers conducted the study to assess how scholarship organizations conduct profiling of their scholars. The researchers found out that scholarship organizations manually conduct scholar’s profiling. They use the pen and paper approach in recording the personal information of the scholars as well as the requirements they need to submit every end of the semester. In some scholarship cases, requirements are certificates of grades and enrollment.
The capstone project, “Scholar Profiling Information System,” was created specifically for scholarship organizations. The project will allow scholarship organizations to conduct scholar profiling electronically. The system will assist scholarship organizations to securely store and manage the records of the scholars.
The capstone project, “Digital School Management” is software that allows an educational institution to digitally transform school management. Digital school management is a centralized platform that will effectively manage different areas of school management. Conventionally, the school management is done using a manual system but due to the rapid development of technology and high demand services from the stakeholders, schools management must be digitalized.

The implementation of the system will transform the manual system of school management into a digital one. The developed software will ease up schools management and lessen the problems encountered by the school’s administration. The implementation of the system will solve every school problem that has to do with computerization and reduce stress in the management of the school.
eClass management system
In today’s digital age, e-learning has become popular. It can be viewed as an innovative approach in delivering a well-designed learning facility for students using digital technologies. Learning can be accessed by anyone, anytime and anywhere.

The capstone project, entitled “E-Class Management System” is designed to effectively facilitate the e-learning processes of students. Electronic classes introduce specified courses that students can enroll to which requires efficient and effective management. Traditionally, students learn only within the walls of the lecture rooms. The traditional method of learning limits students from completely honing their capabilities and knowledge. Learning processes and resources are not highly accessible and available.
Online School Facilities Inventory and Monitoring System with Barcode
School facilities have a great impact on the overall experience of students and school personnel. It is important to do inventory and monitor different school facilities to ensure that there is enough to support the needs of the students and school personnel that will use it. With this, the researchers conducted the study to assess the current system on how schools conduct inventory and monitor their facilities. The researchers aim to improve the pre-existing system by integrating the use of technology.
The capstone project,” Online School Facilities Inventory and Monitoring System with Barcode” is designed to electronically conduct inventory and monitoring of school facilities. The said project will integrate the use of barcodes that contain the details of different school facilities. The inventory and monitoring will be conducted by scanning the barcode. The automated system will ensure that there is an exact count of the facilities and everything is in a good condition.
The list of projects presented above can be designed and developed by our team based on your specific requirements and programming language.

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