Task Management System Capstone Project
Proposed System
Technological innovations have changed the way we live our lives. Gone the days when everything was done manually, nowadays even simple tasks were provided more convenient and faster ways to do it. One of these is providing a system that transactions which involves in giving and monitoring task will be done in a fast and efficient manner.
The researchers of the proposed system entitled Task Management System aimed to provide a platform in which works and management of employee entries is more convenient. This is to verify the data and information of its member, task list, assigning task, personal messaging and so on. If you are a new employee, you have to register first and then the employee will be able to go to members log in, it is easier to its employee to do this. And if there are some functionality of the site that you register, then you will be able to register again to change its log in information.

The proposed Task Management System can make a faster and quick access for doing the task. In addition, the admin and the user of this system had different profile. Admin had a right to give new tasks to the user and also can enable and disable task, while the user can give the task to each other.
System Implementation
The proposed Task Management System was presented to the admin and the user. A new employee from the group of researchers must do the task that has given to them, they also provide some questionnaire to answer some questions, and difficulties that they might encountered.
Task Management System was designed and developed by the researchers to do task and solve problems. This is where the user can check whether the current device is operating by utilizing its application or not. This would make their transaction fast and the user may take less effort in making or doing task.
Objective of the Study
- To let employees have an update about how to get done of their given tasks.
- To design a system that is very accessible by the users.
- To improve the way employee get their work done.
- To organize their task and collaborate efficiently.
Significance of the Study
The admin, user and proponents will benefit from this system.
Admin. This is to help the admin to give tasks, organized and analyzed the employee’s profile.
User. To help them improve in doing their task quickly, also using this system they can have transaction to other users.
Proponents. The proponents will significantly benefit from it. This can make them fully understand their task and get more information.
Project Plan/ SDLC
In this study, the researchers used the software development life cycle (SDLC) this is an overall process of software development that consists six cycles. First, is determining the project requirements, the researchers will determine the proposed system requirements such as software and hardware to be used. And then gathering data, the researchers will be gathering necessary information through an interview to the higher offices or institutions. After that they need to analyze the data gathered to be able to identify the significant information that will be used in the development of the system. After that the researchers will proceed to the designing phase, and then the researchers will design the system while keeping in mind the defined requirements. Lastly, coding, the researchers will be encoding the codes. Also in this stage, the debugging process will be done to ensure that the operation of the system will be stable.
Development Tools:
- Visual Basic and MySQL
- PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
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