Student Offense Management System Capstone Project
Table of Contents
The capstone project entitled “Student Offense Management System” is a web and mobile information system that records the list of offenses and violations made by the students. This application will be managed by the guidance office with cooperation of the student affair services.

PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap will be used for the web development and Kotlin for the mobile application.
This article will give you an idea if you decided to conduct a capstone project on the Student Offense Management System. You can also use this for your capstone project, just don’t forget to acknowledge the website.
Introduction of the Study
The Student Offense Management System is for efficient management and monitoring of the student’s record of offenses. This system is intended to be used by different institutions to keep their students record. By integrating the system, student’s record of offenses would be securely managed and will be held confidential. Only those who have an authority that needed the students record as a report can access the students’ file. These records are highly important to monitor the status of the students.
In the existing system, student records are mostly kept manually and files them in a cabinet. In this manual process, human errors are most likely to occur, such as misplacing the student’s record or at worst case losing it. The manual process is also time consuming and would include loads of paper works.
The proposed system which is the Student Offense Management System will improve and enhance the existing management system. The system would serve as the repository of the students’ record. This platform will be available online and will be accessible by authorized personnel in the institutions to regularly monitor the students’ activities especially their record of offense. The system can also generate detailed reports that are needed by the discipline committees. The proposed system will bring efficiency and convenience for students and personnel in-charge.
Objectives of the Study
General Objectives – the main objective of the study is to design and develop a Student Offense Management System that might replace the current method of manual records management.
Specifically, the capstone project aims the following:
- The output of the project will ease the service in terms of keeping track of students’ record of offense.
- The proposed system will serve as a repository of student’s record.
- The system will be efficient and convenient to use.
- The proposed database system will help the discipline committees to track the students’ offense record and take proper actions.
- The output of the study will lessen the paper works of the officer in-charge in managing the students file.
Significance of the Study
Discipline Committees. The system will help them keep and track the records of the students’ offense. This will help them decide what proper action to be taken to discipline the student involved.
Office of Student Affairs. The system will be a great help in their day to day transactions in tracking the students record.
Students. The system will help in keeping their record secured and confidential.
Researchers. The proposed capstone project will contribute not only to the selected office of the school but to the knowledge of the researchers as well.
Future Researchers. The output of the project will serve as their guide if they pursue a similar study or will continue and upgrade the existing system on Student Offense Management.
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