Socio-Academic Web Portal for Administrator, Teachers, Students and Stake Holders
Project Context
The existing way of updating students about the concerns inside the school, up-coming events and school activities is putting a piece of paper in the bulletin board of every department. This is also the way of some Instructors in reminding their students about their projects on when is the deadline to be passed. Even school administrators, they also post in the bulletin board concerning on the scholarship of selected students.
Many Students experience difficulty about the information that they will need to know. They get low grades because of late submission of their projects at the date scheduled by their instructors. And sometimes students could not participate in some events and activities in the school because they do not know when the exact date and time of the program is.

In line with this, the researchers were challenged and conducted a study entitled “Socio-academic Web Portal for administrators, teachers, students and stakeholders” that will have information to students regarding with their Instructors like meetings, activities and projects, in that way, they can prepare. And will provide information concerning on updates and activities about the Faculties, SSC Department, Guidance Office, Research Office, School publication and other stakeholders of the school. Students can also communicate and interact to their fellow students and also to their Instructors.
By just opening the site, Students can have the information they want. We must also face the fact that more and more people are relying on the internet.
Purpose and Description
The main purpose of this capstone project is to develop a Web Portal suitable for Schools/Institutes that is user-friendly and easy to use. The proposed capstone project entitled “Socio-academic Web Portal for administrators, teachers, students and stakeholders” will be designed and developed by the researchers for the administrators, teachers, students, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
The proposed project will be like a hybrid between Facebook, LinkedIn and, but focuses and very specific on school environment only. It lets you communicate and provide information to students with their subject teachers and fellow students. Students can also ask questions and give suggestions regarding on the concern about the school, they can also have information regarding updates of the school.
The Features of this proposed project are the following interfaces: login/logout/register interface, role interface, discussion interface, broadcast interface and search interface.
- The Login/Logout/Register Interface: To enter the portal.
- The Role Interface: To view other’s role, and edit your own role.
- The Discussion Interface: To communicate between two or more users.
- The Broadcast Interface: To broadcast a message to all members, and also receive broad-cast.
- The Search Interface: To search relevant information in the portal.

Objective of the Study
The main objective of the study is to develop a Web Portal that will communicate and interact administrators, teachers, faculty, students and stakeholders about updates and activities of Faculties, SSC Department, Guidance Office, Research Office, School publication and other stakeholders of the school. And provide information to students from their instructors concerning on their handled subjects.
The specific objectives of the researchers in conducting this study are the following:
- To provide a friendly and easy to use, yet powerful interface that shall enable the users to post relevant information, search for other users with common interests and communicate with them.
- To update students and teachers and some stakeholders about activities, events and some concerns of Faculties, SSC Department, Guidance Office, Research Office, School publication and other stakeholders of the school.
- Provide information to students from their Instructors.