Social Learning Platform Technical Background
The project entitled Social Learning Platform is an online application that can post assignments, create polls for student responses, embed video clips, create learning groups, post quizzes for students to take, and creating a calendar for events and assignments. Students can also submit assignments or upload assignments assigned by their teachers to view and validate if their work is correct or not. Teachers can check and give feedback to the assignments directly in the said platform, thus making the flow of the process convenient to both parties.
Parents can also access the Social Learning Platform, under their child’s username or they can also create their own accounts to view the academic progress of their children. A Parent accounts allow them to see their children’s assignments and grades. Teachers, subject to creating and maintaining parental records, could send alerts to parents about school events, missed assignments, and other important messages. Similarly, teachers can generate printable class rosters, so if a teacher is going to have a substitute teacher in their classroom that needs a printed roster, they can print one from A Web and Android-based Social Learning Platform account. These are generically used to describe a range of integrated web based applications that provide teachers, students, parents to support and enhance educational delivery and management.
The hardware that will be used in system is any smart mobile devices (like Android and iPhone). The android technology is an open source mobile operating system and it is more efficient and effective compared to the other technologies, such as mobile Windows, producing fast, user friendly and appealing applications. With this formidable mobile technology advancement, more and more students can seek informal education.
The researcher will install the software XAMMP 1.8.3-2 version (PHP 5.5 based). XAMMP is an easy to use multi-platform package that installs Apache, MySQL, PHP and a wall stew of the other software useful for dynamic web development. Installation is painless, and configuration is minimal. It is important to have software programs relevant to the demand of the system which required Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) for the web design, permanent Hypertext Pre-processor file (PHP) for the SQL, XAMMP for the connection, Mozilla Firefox as the browser and Intranet for the connection within the organization. Social Learning Platform is a modern web application that uses modern web standards like HTML5 and JavaScript to deliver a powerful and elegant user experience using the web. For this to work properly a reasonably modern web browser that is designed to support these popular web standards needs to be used. Browser upgrades are free, and each new version tends to be faster and better than its predecessor, so it is a good idea to keep the browser up to date.
The People ware Recommendation is a target user of Social Leaning Platform. He/she must be knowledgeable on how to use the system. IT Managers; manage the system resources, with no demands on existing IT infrastructure or personnel. Programmer; who makes the source code of the system. The third are Students; to allow them to submit their all their activities in school and inquire their grades. The fourth are Teachers; easy for them to handle the files of their students and their work will be easily and quickly as they never expected. And it is for the safety of their files because if it is done in a systematized manner, there will be back-up and security program. The last are the Parents; easy to know the performance and can get the direct information about their child.

The Social Learning Platform will be hosted on a live server with a domain name
Day by day the students will be viewed their activities etc. post by their teachers through the online network. The System can distribute information of the students, teachers and parents. The system can publish the requirements & process the student’s needs and can email a message to the parents of their attendance or absentee via the online network. The statement of the system will allow school teachers to email the parents regarding the particular events of the school.
Programming Environment
PHP, MySQL and Twitter Bootstrap use in a Web programming languages. The Twitter Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, JavaScript framework. For Android languages are using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Apache Cordova. Apache Cordova is a tall to converts HTML, CSS, JavaScript into APK.
The Back-end users are System Administrator who maintains and manages the table entries of files; the user accounts; and updating of data. The Front-end users are the Teachers, is the One who manage student files and post students assignment and information into the system; Students, One who receives the grades, assignment, quizzes and information issued by the teachers and the Parents, One who view the progress of their children.
Requirements/Data Gathering
Requirements are set of functionalities and constraint that the end user (who will be using the system) expects from the system. In this phase, we will gather all the possible requirements of the system to be developed. The requirements were gathered from the end-user by consultation, wherein suggestions were given. And the data that we gathered served as our basis for the development of our proposed system. Finally, in this phase the requirements specification document which described the user requirements, management and recommendation was created to serve guide for the next phase.
Requirements/Data Analysis
All possible requirements of the system to be developed were captured in this phase. Each of the requirements, the software and hardware, were analyzed for the proper completion of the project. The requirements gathered were analyzed and validated for a possibility of incorporating the requirements into the system. The development tools had been identified based on the type of project to be developed and the appropriate approach to be performed in transforming our analysis into a program. We also set a revision plan for the system in terms of report layout, organization of data for the User-Interface, securities and other relevant aspects for the new system design. We also checked every detail to make sure that we were planning system based on the requirements according to the user specifications with the proposed system.
System Design
Before starting for actual coding, it is highly important to understand what is to be created and what it should look like. The requirement specifications form first phase were studied in this phase design was prepared. In here, the developers identified all the necessary system inputs and outputs, design of data, processes and interfaces.
Credit to the authors of the project
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