Services Booking and Appointment System in PHP Free Download
The project entitled Services Booking and Appointment System is an online application to manage the bookings/appointments for a business. The said system is really intended for salon business wherein customers can book appointments on your website and you can manage those appointments from an admin panel then this is the system you need in order to automate and organize your transactions.
How the Services Booking and Appointment System work?
The system can be accessed by two user groups; the administrator and the customers. We will start with the functions of the administrator; (1) the administrator will need first to login using the proper combination of username and password. (2) The main page of the system is the dashboard page where the admin can view some of the statistics of the system such as the total number of bookings, pending bookings, completed bookings, total customers and total earnings or income. (3) The admin can now encode the booking categories. (4) It will be followed by the encoding of services offered. (5) Client information is the next step. (6) The most important module of the project is the booking list module wherein the admin can view the list of bookings, in this module the admin can accept and cancel the request or booking of clients. (7) Income report can also be generated and lastly (8) the administrator can back up the database of the system. Let us proceed with the features and functions of the customers; (1) the customers will need to login first to the system. (2) a simple dashboard will serve as the home or main page for the customers. (3) Lastly, the customer can view and select for the services they want to avail, they will wait for the response of the admin if their request has been accepted or not.
Login Form – the image below is the login form of the system, it will be used by the admin and customers to access to their respective dashboard page.

Administrator Panel
Dashboard – this is the dashboard of the administrator, as you can show in the image below, it has the basic statistics of the system that gives the admin a quick insight about the records stored in the project.
- Total Bookings
- Pending Bookings
- Completed Bookings
- Total Customers
- Total Earnings

Booking Categories – this module will store the different categories of booking.
- Name
- Status

Services Offered – the different services offered by the business will be encoded and manage in this module. The information of services includes the following:
- Name
- Category Name (combo box)
- Description
- Price

Client Information – information of clients are stored in this module of the project.
- Name
- Contact Number
- Email address

Booking List – list of bookings are stored in this module, the bookings are categorized into pending, completed and cancelled.
- Client Name
- Service Name
- Date
- Time
- Remarks
- Total Amount
- Status – (pending, completed, cancelled)

Database Backup – the administrator has the access to save the database into another secure location.

Income Report – income report will allow the admin to view and print the income of the business.
- Service Name
- Amount

Customer Panel
- Booking List
- Amount to Pay

Select Services – in this module the customer can select the services they want to avail.
- Service Name
- Category
- Amount
- Date
- Time
- Status – approved, cancelled (customer can only cancel the booking)

Test Plan
To test the system, the researchers asked three IT Experts to verify further the reliability and functionality of the developed system. Three IT Experts performed series of testing to check for any possible problem that may occur during implementation and operations of the software and to test whether the specification has met. They tested and evaluated the following: the program design for its objectivity, validity, effectiveness, and completeness of the system. McCall’s Software Quality Model Standard was used measuring tool in the Expert Testing.
The researchers asked the different IT Experts to perform preliminary testing on the initially developed system. The IT Experts rated the system using the McCall’s Software Quality Model. The Overall Grand Mean of the initial testing was Three point Fifty-nine (3.59) which is interpreted as Good. After complying the suggestions and comments of the three Experts, the final testing was conducted. The developed system was evaluated by the same Three (3) IT Experts/Programmers using the McCall’s Software Quality Model based on the criteria. The result of the final testing was Four point Forty-five (4.45), which is interpreted as Very Good indicative that the features and functions of the developed system passed the standard criteria for systems development.
After performing series of testing, the researchers conducted User Acceptance and Evaluation at the business office using the User’s Acceptance Evaluation survey questionnaire. The purpose was to test the reliability and functionality of the developed system, the Services Booking and Appointment System and to determine if the required features were met. The Grand Mean of the User Acceptance Testing was Four point Forty-five (4.45) which have a descriptive rating of Very Good.
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