School Portal Kit
Table of Contents
In today’s technology era, educational systems are highly influenced by the rapid development of technologies. Manual systems are restructured and transformed using computer technologies. Technology ushers fundamental changes in teaching and learning processes as well as the operation and services of schools.
The capstone project, “School Portal Kit” is intended to be used by educational institutions. It is designed to streamline different school management processes. Conventionally, different management areas are managed separately using manual approaches. This involves paper works, physical storage for record-keeping, and face-to-face transactions. The manual method is ineffective and efficient and schools often encounter errors and serious challenges.
The most effective way to resolve the aforementioned concern is the employment of an IT-based solution. The researchers aim to develop a School Portal Kit, an all-in-one school management platform. The School Portal Kit will automate school management processes.
The researchers will develop the project base on the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique. The researchers will gather information from different schools to identify and assess the current methods used for school management. The researchers will then proceed to the development process of the software. The study will go through different phases of checking, testing, and evaluation to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the developed system.
The implementation of the system will result in a stable educational system and will enable teachers to give their best in providing quality education to students. The School Portal Kit will provide improved education solutions through the use of innovative technology. This will make school management easy, accurate.
The capstone project, entitled “School Portal Kit” is designed solely for educational institutions. The said project is an all-in-one school management platform. It will streamline different management areas such as student management, teacher management, school fee management, staff payment management, etc.
School management is subdivided into different management areas such as student management, teacher management, expenses management, school fee management, and much more. Each management areas plays a vital role in helping the school achieve its vision and mission. Efficient school management leads the school towards development. Conventionally, different management areas are managed separately using manual approaches. Manual approaches involve paper works, physical storage for record-keeping, and face-to-face transactions between stakeholders. Using this method to manage school is stressful for school owners, administrators, and teachers which results in inefficient service offered by the school. The school often encounters errors and serious challenges.
Proposed Solution
To resolve the aforementioned concerns, the researchers proposed the development of a School Portal Kit. The School Portal Kit is an all-in-One School management system that aspires to alleviate the stress associated with managing schools. The proposed system will electronically manage the school’s everyday operations and transactions. The system will streamline class management, teacher management, school fee management, expenses management, staff payment management, and other management areas. The developed system will allow the school’s administrators to manage the aforementioned management areas all in one place in an efficient, accurate and hassle-free manner.
The said project will manage everyday activities and transactions in school.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The general objective of the study is to design and develop a School Portal Kit that covers all school’s management areas in a centralized digital platform.
The researchers specifically aim the following objectives:
- To ease up school management processes.
- To reduce workloads and eliminate manual processes.
- To alleviate the stress of the school’s management in managing schools.
- To enhance proper management and accountability in schools.
- To improve the school’s services to better serve its stakeholders.
- To evaluate the user acceptability of the system in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, quality, timeliness, and productivity.
Scope of the Study
The study only covers the processes involved in developing a School Portal Kit. The project focuses on providing schools with the tool that will manage different school management areas such as students management, teacher management, fee management and so much more. Schools, teachers, students, and other school stakeholders will serve as respondents to the study.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following individuals or groups:
School’s Management. The success of the project will highly benefit them. It will ease up school management and alleviate the workloads and stress of the school’s management.
Teachers. They can easily and conveniently manage their class and the subjects they handle. Class attendance and Grades management of students will also be convenient by using the system.
Students. By employing the system in schools, they can rest assured that their records are accurate and are kept safe and secure.
Researchers. The study will further enhance their skills in doing group works as well as their knowledge in developing educational technologies.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their guide in their journey of developing their version of the School’s Portal Kit.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “School Portal Kit” is designed for educational institutions. The said project will manage everyday activities and transactions in school.
This section of the paper will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a School Portal Kit. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The School Portal Kit is a database-driven system that manages every aspect of school’s management and at the same time keeping records for reference and easy retrieval.
The following are the advantages of the School Portal Kit:
- Automated Processes – the system will make it easier for school owners, administrators, and teachers to manage different school operations and transactions.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes school records and documents electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- Improved Services – the school portal kit will significantly improve the services offered by the school to its stakeholders.
How the System Works
This article will discuss the forms, modules, and user interface of the School Portal Kit. We will discuss the features and how the system works.
Class Attendance – this form will allow the admin to manage the records of student’s attendance in class.
The admin will encode and manage the following information:
- Student Class
- Date
- Term
- Session
- No.
- Name
- Class
- Roll Call – ( present, absent)
Shown below is the design of the Class Attendance form.

Teacher Management – this module will allow the admin to manage details of all the school’s teachers and their handled subjects.
The admin will encode and manage the following information:
- Username
- Name
- Sex
- Phone Number
- Subject name
- Employed
- Status -(active or not active)
- Action – (add, edit, delete)
The image shown below is the layout of the Teacher Management module.

Fee Management – this module allows the admin to manage fees. The module will be used for allocation of fees, recording of fees, and generation and printing of fee receipts.
The admin will manage the following fee details:
- Number
- Name
- Class name
- Student Type – (old, new)
- Term
- Session
- Amount Paid
- Balance
- Teller No.
- Date
- Status – (cleared or not cleared)
Shown below is the layout of the Fee Management Module.

The students will input the following information:
- Surname
- First name
- Sex
- State
- Nationality
- Father’s name
- Mother’s name
- Birth Date
- Contact Information
Shown below is the form design of the Student’s Profile.

Register Subjects – this form will allow the students to register for their class subjects.
The students will input the following information for registration:
- Number
- Full Name
- Class name
- Subject
- Term
- Session
The image shown below is the design of the Register Subject form.

Technology is the reason behind the significant changes in the educational sector. It ushers fundamental changes in teaching and learning processes as well as the operation and services of schools. The researchers conducted the study to assess the issues and inadequacies in school management. The researchers aim to infuse computer technologies to ease up school management areas. Thus, the researchers developed a School Portal Kit. It is an all-in-one platform that manages the day-to-day operation and transaction of schools. The result of the study showed that the developed School Portal Kit met the defined project requirements. The majority of the intended users and respondents respond satisfactorily to the system in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, quality, timeliness, and productivity.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the developed School Portal Kit is an effective tool to electronically manage school operations and transactions. The system will streamline class management, teacher management, school fee management, expenses management, staff payment management, and other management areas. The developed system will allow the school’s administrators to manage the aforementioned management areas all in one place.
The result of the study showed that the developed system met the given criteria in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, quality, timeliness, and productivity, thus, the researchers highly recommend the implementation of the system. The system is strongly recommended for its efficiency, accuracy, and reliability in streamlining school management processes. The researchers recommend that the end-users of the system must be armed with enough knowledge about the features and how the system works. This is for them to properly use the system and enjoy the benefit from it.
The researchers specifically recommend the following:
- Schools should install the system to automate different management processes.
- School owners, administrators, and teachers are recommended to use the system to reduce their manual workloads and improve school services.
- The researchers recommend the use of the system for it will make different school management easy, fast, efficient, and accurate.
Credits to the developer of the project.
Secondary school management system with results computation and scratch card for result checking
DM me for the complete source code now
Features of the Software
I. Create, store and calculate the result of students.
II. Access student result on the application.
III. Download the result in pdf format.
IV. Admin can see the total number of registered users, subjects listed, total class listed and the number of results declared.
V. Admin can also add a new class or update the existing class.
VI. Admin can easily add new students to the application or modify/update the student information.
VII. Easily add a new subject and update the subjects.
VIII. Add a new result or manage the number of results.
IX. Admin has the ability to change or update students passwords.
X. Student Registration with Unique Reg number.
XI. Students Result Processing and Automatic Grading.
XII. Student Behavioral Analysis.
XIII. Fee Payment Module.
XIV. Teachers Management.
XV. Online Result Checking(with Scratch Card ).
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