School 3D Mapping and Information Kiosk
Every day, people need reliable information to improve the standard of living to come up with the correct solution in solving complex problem in schools and in society. Having sufficient and reliable information can boost confidence and security to every individual. An information kiosk is one of the many sources of information to the people. In information technology, a kiosk is a small physical like structure (often including a computer and a display screen) that displays information to people walking by. Like in North America, kiosks are commonly seen near the entrances of shopping malls, schools, and public amusement parks where they provide people with directions and specific information offered by the kiosk. There are different kinds of kiosk; like interactive kiosk, electronic kiosk and information kiosk. All these provide different services. SCHOOL 3D MAPPING AND INFORMATION KIOSK is one of them, it is designed to provide students and visitors the sufficient information about the college and it accommodates users to interact with the system. It performs different functions where users can ask questions, get directions, search for information they needed. By the use of computer, there’s no area where information kiosk cannot be used for a better user satisfaction.
School 3D Mapping and Information Kiosk is a computer-based application used to guide neophyte students and visitors of the school in finding personnel, departments and offices via 3D mapping for academic institutions. It can help students and visitors familiarize the offices, departments, department chairs, external campuses, faculty and staff especially for new students.

This project aims to provide reliable information to increase self-confidence and security particularly for the incoming freshmen students and visitors. It is designed to cater convenient, sufficient and consistent information to end user to help strengthen and enhance the service of the college to students and visitors as well.
The main objective of this study is to develop a functional Mapping and Information Kiosk that could:
- Help students familiarized the administration, faculty and staff as well as the offices, departments, external campuses.
- Give information to visitors to specific location and actual view of the school campuses
- Provide reliable information to the students and visitors in a timely manner.
- Help strengthen and enhance the service of the college to its clientele.
Implementation Result
Expert Testing
The developers successfully conducted the expert testing to the panel of persons that are knowledgeable enough in developing software to evaluate the proposed mobile computing. Suggestions and recommendations were gathered from them in order to come up with valuable and functional application. Questionnaires were also provided to them to rate the system based on its flow of functionalities and in order to get the overall result and to know if there were needed to change or not with regards with the features of the project. The weighted mean of 4.4 shows that the developed project is good and reliable by the users.
Final/ User Acceptance
After the initial and expert testing had successfully conducted, the developers double checked if the proposed mobile game met the desired output based on the suggestions of the experts and the benefactors of the system. The mean of 4.3 shows that the developed game is very good and had met the overall functions for the intended user of the system.