Sales and Inventory with Decision Support System in PHP and MySQL
The project entitled Sales and Inventory with Decision Support System is intended to replace the manual process of sales and inventory. It was developed using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. The said project is an online platform which means that the transactions can be access through the internet or it can also be access in local area network. The system has two types of users; (1) administrator account can access all the features of the system, perform any necessary changes and can perform database and system maintenance, (2) staff/cashier can only access the encoding of products, perform sales transaction but cannot modify or delete records. The system can generate reports (daily, weekly and monthly), it has also a decision support functions that can generate a predictive report based on sales, previous records and customer buying history. Another DSS feature is that it can sort out products with a high volume of sales and products that with less sales. With the decision support system integrated to the project, it would give the administration a real time reports that can help them in making decisions.

Significance of the Study
The implementation of this capstone project is the primary target of the researchers/developers; it would really test the efficiency and accuracy of the project given the opportunity that this project will be used for a long period of time. In addition, it would also be a great help to the end-user, the automated sales and inventory system would be their partner in managing the different transactions.
Administrator with full access- The system will benefit the management by checking, verifying and validating the work done by their staff and cashier. Retrieval of data through the search feature would be so easy and reports can be generated in a matter of time.
User with limited access- The system will benefit the staff and cashier by making their work more efficient and accurate. Compare to the manual system, the project would help them to complete their task in a faster way. Reports and logs can also be generated for them to pass it to their supervisor.
Technicality of the Project
The researcher wants to develop a system using web-based development platform. In our development, we use Phpmyadmin to perform various tasks such as creating database, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or rows. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) for defining web-server and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) for designing graphical features on the web pages. We also use a PHP for server-side scripting language; provide functions in what it is defined on web page.
By this Programming Environment, the developers developed the program based on the requirements of the propose system. Through this development the programmer used a standard Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) for displaying the page of the system, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to design the page and Javascript is the scripting language which is focused on the other functions of the system. The back end environments are the PHP programming language and MySQLi which is to access data from the database and the structure of a proposed system.
Inventory Ordering System
According to Globe Business Philippines (2014) with just a few keystrokes, track your supplies using Globe’s Inventory Ordering System. The cost-effective and highly innovative inventory management system gives you instant access to stock levels, allowing for timely orders and zero wastage. Get real-time reports. What the inventory system does is allow you to order supplies based on the most current data. This minimizes overstocking and at the same time, frees up resources for more urgent needs Cut through red tape .The Inventory Ordering System gives you better control over your supply chain, affording you the convenience of being able to place orders online or via SMS. And because the system automatically generates inventory and sales reports, your employees will have less paperwork to file and more time to focus on operations.
The system and its feature lessen the paperwork and excessive time needed to monitor the stocks by just clicking buttons on a smart phones it automatically orders online and generate reports on real time.
– Login, logout, change password
– Can Add, edit, delete Clients
– Can add, edit, delete Employee
– Can add edit delete category
– Can add edit, delete, Location Report and Stocks Report products
– Can Monitor Sales Using google Chart
– Can Monitor Inventory if it is out of stock
– Can View the Map of specific Location
– Can View Sales Reports, Monthly, yearly, Daily
– Can Monitor Product Shipments
– Can Search Products and Add to Cart
– Auto Compute for products less the tax
Screenshots of the System in no particular order

Complete documentation is available and we can also revised it based on your preferred format.
visit our facebook page for more information.
for the sourcecode and documentation you may contact the developer of the system
Patrick Tandoc Sarmiento