RFID Based Online Attendance with SMS in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
The capstone project entitled RFID Based Online Attendance with SMS is an information system that uses hardware in a form of rfid tags and rfid reader that captures the attendance of the students. With the implementation of this project it would be easier to monitor the attendance since the records are stored in an organize manner in a form of a database.
The development of this project uses System Development Life Cycle Approach (SDLC) approach. The reason of using SDLC approach is because an alternative model of the SDLC focuses on the interaction of planning, analysis, and design tasks which leads to implementation followed by operation and support. The findings showed that the system has passed all the requirements based on a software quality model wherein IT experts evaluated and validated the system. The researchers would highly recommend the implementation of the project in order for the benefits of the students, faculty and parents. Implementation alone is not enough, so therefore to be able to call it a sustainable project, the management should also prepare a maintenance plan.
RFID Technology Based Attendance Management System
According to Sumita Nainan and et.al (2013), the primary aim of the research is to uniquely identify individual students based on their unique tag identifiers. The research should shower light on how scalable and efficient the system is. A systematic and serialized approach is required to solve this conundrum. The key characteristics of the application include; Perform automated attendance, Generate report of attendees for a particular course, Error free tag identifier detection, Easy scalability to incorporate more records, Integrity and security in data storage.
This paper concentrates on the principal purpose to overcome the human errors while recording student attendance and the creation of a data centric student attendance database system with an improved overall efficiency. (ijcsi.org)
Online Student’s Attendance Monitoring System in Classroom Using Radio Frequency Identification Technology: A Proposed System Framework
According to Rajan Patel, Nimisha Patel and Mona Gajjar (2012), which student’s attendance in every school/university environment is very important to record and to monitor the class attendance that require significant amount of time and effort. The paper presents the integration of ubiquitous computing systems into classroom for managing the student’s attendance using RFID technology. The RFID technology can be a powerful tool in helping to manage students’ attendance throughout the working school day and also to enhance classroom security. It also solve problem where it is necessary to take automatically records the status of every students movements and location. It has a real time intelligent system that implements the conjunction of RFID hardware to monitor students’ attendance in every lecture in every classroom and laboratories in school/university environment. RFID allows for a tag affixed on identity card to communicate wirelessly with a reader, in order for the tag’s identifier to be retrieved.
- Login, logout, change password
- Can View the subject today assigned by administrator to the faculty in-charge
- Can add, edit, delete and bulk upload via excel the Student account
- Can add, edit, delete and bulk upload via excel the Faculty account
- Can add, edit, delete and bulk upload via excel the Course
- Can add, edit, delete and bulk upload via excel the Class schedule
- Can add, edit, delete and bulk upload via excel the Rooms\
- Can add, edit, delete and bulk upload via excel the Terms
- Can add, edit, delete and bulk upload via excel the School Year
- Can enroll student for specific subjects
- Archive option for student account, faculty account, course, schedule terms and room
- Can add, edit, delete and bulk upload via excel the Student account
- Can view student attendance Reports per Month, Day and Year
- Can print and export to excel Student Attendance
- Can print and export to excel Faculty Attendance

- Login, logout, change password
- Can view subject assigned by the administrator
- Can print and export to excel the reports
- Can change the status of the student if present, absent or late

- Login, logout, change password
- Can view the subjects enroll
- Can print or export to excel the records

Front Page:
- Tapping of RFID
Hardware Compatibility
The system is compatible in different kind of computer desktop or laptop with a minimum hardware specification of Intel Pentium Dual Core or AMD Athlon Dual Core , Motherboard compatible with the socket of processor, 500gb hard drive, 1gb Ram, USB keyboard, USB mouse, UTP Cable for network, Router, 15.6 inches LED monitor and NFC Device with NFC card.
Software Compatibility
The system was developed in a computer with an operating system of Windows 7, 8 and 10. The researchers used XAMPP that includes the Apache server, MySQL, and PHP. Brackets was used as the text editor for coding, Bootstrap for the design and user interface. The system can be accessed in different types of web browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and other modern browsers that support HTML5. For the NFC Device to work, the computer unit should have a proper and updated SDK driver installed to accessed the device properly in the user interface of the system.
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Patrick Tandoc Sarmiento