Introduction of Procurement and Bidding System
Table of Contents
The capstone project entitled Procurement and Bidding System is designed to automate the process of procuring and bidding of materials for local projects. The said project is intended to be used by the local government agency assigned for managing different construction projects in the locality. The system will serve as a centralized platform where project’s information, records and status will be managed.
Traditionally, procuring materials are done using the manual process. The staff will personally canvass from different hardware to supply materials like cement, hollow block and other materials used for construction. The manual process is thought to be inefficient and ineffective for it requires valuable time and effort from the staff to manually look for bidders of materials. Record keeping of the projects and transactions also involve loads of paper works and is prone to human errors. Organizations who manage construction projects is in need of an automated process for procurement and bidding.
Proposed Solution
To address the above mentioned concerns, the researchers of the study proposed a Procurement and Bidding System. The system will allow automated procurement and bidding process of materials to be used by the local project handlers. The proposed system will assist the staff in-charge in selecting materials for the local projects. List of bidders will be provided along with the respective prices of the materials and the selection process will be done electronically. All records of the projects like the status, amount of expenses and all other-related data will also be managed using the system. By using the system, the procurement and bidding process of materials will speed up and saves time for the persons involved.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the general objective of the project is to design and develop a system that will ease up the process of procurement and bidding of project materials.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To design a system that will automate the process of procuring materials for projects in the locality.
- To develop a system that will ease up selection of bidders for materials.
- The system will also serve as repository of records of different local projects.
- The system is easy to use and will have a user-friendly interface.
- To develop a system that will make procurement and bidding processes easy, fast and convenient.
- Complete the development of the system according to the timeframe or project schedule.
- To produce documentation that records the phases, task and deliverables of the study.
- To convert manual process of evaluation into a database oriented project.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following individuals or groups:
Intended Users. LGU and other organizations who are handling construction projects will highly benefit from the success of the project. Management of projects will be easier and procurement of materials will be fast and convenient by utilizing the system.
Researchers. The success of the project will further develop their knowledge and skills in designing and developing technology-assisted solutions to manual problems.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their reference for their future pursuit of upgrading the system or if they want to develop their own version.
Development Tools
The capstone project entitled “Procurement and Bidding System” will allow electronic procurement and bidding process. The system will assist in procuring and bidding process of materials needed for local construction projects.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms and modules to be included in a Procurement and Bidding System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
Procurement and Bidding System is a database driven system that electronically process procurement and bidding of project materials. All information and records of the completed and on-going projects are kept in the system.
Listed below are the advantages of the system:
- Automated Transactions- transactions for procuring materials and selection of bidders will be done electronically
- Records Management – it is a database system which makes the records of projects electronic, safe, accurate, reliable and fast.
- Report Generation – the system automatically generate and provide real-time reports about the expenses and budget allocation of the projects
How the System Works
This section of the paper will discuss the forms, module and user interface of a Procurement and Bidding System. Below is the discussion on how the system will work.
Login Form – this form will be used by the intended users of the system. Each of the users will have their own unique username and password to log in to the system and access the records and features.
The login form design is shown below. (please visit our facebook page for the complete source code)
Admin Dashboard – this form will serve as the main page of the system administrator when logged in to the system. The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of projects – on-going projects of the barangay
- Total Amount spent – amount spent for the project
- Number of Barangay
- Number of Users – users registered in the system
The image below is the layout of the administrator’s dashboard.

Barangay Info – this form will require the information of the barangays registered in the system. The administrator or encoder will input the information mentioned below in the form.
- Barangay name
Shown below is the design of the barangay info form.
Barangay Officials – this form allow the admin to encode the data about the barangay officials into the system. The admin will fill in the form with the following information.
- Barangay
- Complete name
- Position – (ex. Brgy. Captain, kagawad)
- Contact
- Address
The image shown below is the design of the barangay officials’ form.

Project Information – the project information form will require the system administrator to enter the information about the project to be built in a specific barangay.
The project information form requires the following information:
- Project title
- Barangay
- Description and Purpose
- Source of Fund
- Project Cost
- Material Cost
- Labor Cost
- Requested By
- Prepared By
- Approved By
- Date Started
- Date Ended
- Status – on-going, cancelled, finished
Table looks like the image below

Add Items to the Project – this form will allow the admin to add additional items need for the project. The admin will enter the following information:
- Item Description
- Unit
- Unit Amount
- Quantity
- Total
Shown below is the design of the Add Items to the Project form.
List of Bidders – this form will allow selection of bidders. List of bidders will be displayed with the respective prices for the items. The form displays the items, bidders and the unit prices.
The image shown below is the design of the List of Bidders form.

Project Monitoring – this form will allow monitoring of the project. The admin will fill in the following information about the progress of the project.
- Project name
- Percentage
- Update Remarks
- Evidences – upload files
- Checked by
- Date of checking
Shown below is the design of the project monitoring form.

Expenditure Report – this form will display the report about the expenditures for the project by month. The report will be presented using a graph.
The expenditure report form requires the following information:
- Project name
- Billing number
- Amount
- Date
- Remarks
- Received By
The image shown below is the design of the expenditure report form.

Budget Allocation Report – this form will display the information about the budget allocation for every project. The budget allocation report will be presented using a pie graph.
The image shown below is the design of the budget allocation form.

Database Backup – this form will allow the admin to set up a database backup for the system.
User Management –administrator can add another user account that can access the project.
User management module includes the following information:
- Barangay – combo box
- Complete name
- Contact
- Address
- Username
- Password
Image shown below is the user management form design of the system.
The study was conducted to assess the method of procurement and bidding of materials specifically, construction materials. The researchers of the study concluded that the current method of selecting suppliers for construction materials is inefficient for it is prone to physical barriers and time constraints. The project is conducted to address the difficulties encountered in the manual method. The result of the study showed that the developed system, Procurement and Bidding System met the need of the respondents and its intended users. The result of the study showed that the manual method of procuring materials and the bidding process should be eliminated and replaced with an automated one.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the implementation of the Procurement and Bidding System will ease up the procurement and bidding process of materials. The system will effectively streamline the process of selecting and buying construction project materials and keeping records of it. The system will eliminate all the problems encountered in the manual method which will help organizations quicken the process of buying construction materials.
The implementation of Procurement and Bidding System is highly recommended by the researchers to be used by construction project organizations to select and buy materials for their projects. The system is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability in automating the processes of procurement and bidding. The intended users should have enough knowledge on how the developed system is going to work for them to correctly use the system.
The researchers of the project recommend the following:
- The system should be implemented in selecting and buying materials for fast and easy transaction.
- Employee Leave Management system is highly recommended for it ensures effective and efficient management of local projects.
- Procurement and Bidding System will make selecting and buying process of materials easy, fast and convenient.
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