Point of Sale with Decision Support System
The main objective of the study is to develop and implement computerized sales and inventory with decision support system. This system will replace all the manual system into a more organized process which helps speedup the process for the company. The decision support system is a computerized business program application that analyzes the business data and presents an output for the user to make decisions easily. DSS was traditionally aimed at managers to assist in high-level decision-making. The application is much wider and has been applied across the spectrum of business and industry. The user can decide what data to be input in the DSS and the system will help determine a good solution for the user to decide which option to take. Making use of a computerized system also lessens the risks of making errors in the process. DSS can help managers perform tasks, such as allocating resources, comparing budget to actual results, drilling down to analyze results, projecting revenues, and evaluating scenarios . From a different perspective, cognitive decision-making biases exist and create a need for decision support. Information presentation and information availability influence decision makers both positively and negatively. The system will benefit both the client and their customer because the system makes the work process more efficient and effective.

As the proponents distinguished the different problems that took their attention they aim to find methods to implement the appropriate solutions.
General Objective
The developers aim to provide Sales and Inventory with Decision Support System to improve their manual process and also to become more progressive and productive to fit the costumer’s standards.
Specific Objectives
- To create a module that will integrate Point of Sales and module for the availability of products.
The proponents will create a module that will integrate the Point of Sales and for the availability of the products. The proponents will use MySQL that will serve as the database and querying of the tables. The proponents will also use Visual Basic for building an application for this module.
- To create a module that will monitor the Sales and Inventory.
The proponents will create a module that will monitor the Sales and Inventory. The proponents will use MySQL that will serve as the database and querying of the tables. The proponents will also use Visual Basic for building an application for this module.
- To create a module that will integrate decision support system for demand planning for inventory what-if pricing scenario for sales.
The proponents will create a module that will integrate decision support system for demand planning for the inventory of the company. This module includes scheduling of purchasing of orders from the supplier and will determine the stock levels and slow and fast-moving products.

- To create a module that will generate reports such as sales and inventory reports and statistical reports.
The proponents will create a module that will generate the reports that includes sales and inventory reports, statistical reports, customer reports, and back order reports for the Sales and Inventory for System with Decision Support system for Skin Rejuvenating Products.
Database Schema:
Item-Product Module – (recid, itemcode, itemname, variant, unitvalue, unit, category, netPrice, productioncost, markupPercent, discount, discountPrice, saleprice,reorderlevel, stocks)
Item-Raw-Material – (recid, materialname, itemcode, amount)
Price = ( (sumofrawmaterials + productioncost) + markup%) – discount
Note: discount must not greater or equal to markupPercentage
Raw Material Module – (recid, materialname, amount)
Product Set (combination of two or more products) – (recid, setcode, setname, totalamount)
Item-SetProduct – (recid, setcode, itemcode, productNetPrice)
Item Unit Module – (recid, unitname, description)
Item Category Module – (recid, categoryname, description)
Adjust Item Quantity Module – (recid, itemcode, status(add,deduct), qty, date)
POS Module
Invoice-OR – (recid, cashier, total, tendered, change, date, month, year)
Sales – (recid, orid, itemcode, itemname, saleqty, saleprice, discount, stotal, cashier, date, month, year)
- Inventory Report – RealTime
- Sales Report (by month and year)
- Low Stock items
- Demand Planning
- Expiring Products