PHP MySQL and Bootstrap Capstone Projects

PHP MySQL and Bootstrap Capstone Projects

Note: the list of capstone projects presented below is the old web-based project compilation of the team, for updates on the newest version of the project you may contact us via our Facebook page.

Event Tabulation in PHP MySQL


In this chapter the researcher’s background Study for the System Event Tabulation in PHP MySQL that runs on android devices such as tablets, smartphones, etc. The application contains different events and different categories in each event, in addition to that the mobile application also contains a form of scores and a list of players in each category. The purpose of this is to measure the ability of the student and their knowledge of the event that they participate.

Software Requirements

The following survey is the Software to be used for the development and implementation of the system the purposed notes. First, the software is defined as non-tangible components of computers and it is also known as computer programs. The software which is needed for the development and for the implementations are shown in the table below:

Online Tabulation System Free Download - Scoring Module
Online Tabulation System Free Download – Scoring Module

Software Requirements for the development of the system

Documentation: Microsoft Word 2007

CSS and JavaScript: For the design and layout of the application.

Apache Cordova: Platform used for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

For implementation:

  • Operating System:  Microsoft Windows 7 (Recommended)
  • Microsoft Office:  Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel
  • PHP
  • Database

Hardware Requirements

The following survey is the hardware to be used for the development of the system purposed notes. Computer hardware is known as the collection of physical elements that constitute a computer system. The hardware minimum resources used for the developed system are presented below, both for the server and for the client computers.

The list below presents the minimum hardware requirements used for the development of the Event Tabulation in PHP MySQL.

Hardware Requirements (Implementation)

Hardware (Server)Specifications

  • Motherboard(the latest)
  • Processor (Dual core 2.0 GHz)
  • Memory (4GB DDR3)
  • Hard Drives (at least 1TB)
  • Network Connection (High Speed)
  • Video Card (at least 1GB)
  • Power Supply (at least 300 watts)
  • Tablet
  • Cellphone
  • Android OS

Shows the hardware used during the development of the Event Tabulation in PHP MySQL.

The application is easy to operate and use, though Bluetooth, Share-it the application run automatically transfer to the other android mobile and devices. The event contains many

Categories the user can select the categories they want then the system automatically shows the result.

database: tabulation.sql

link to mobile version and tabulation app


Donation Information System in PHP and MySQL

The waterfall approach was the first SDLC Model to be used widely in Software Engineering to ensure the success of the project. It illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential flow. This means that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is complete. In this waterfall model, the phases do not overlap.

SDLC Water model is the most suitable model for creating the Online Web Disaster Help and Donations System since, the developer cannot proceed or bypass the next phase until the developer finished the previous phases, but if ever the developer notices some flaws and issues to the system, the developer can go back to the phase and fix the issues regarding with the system and them jump again to next iteration.

Online Donation Platform with SMS Free Download - Registration Form
Online Donation Platform with SMS Free Download – Registration Form

Functionality on Processing of Client’s Requests

Project Initialization and Planning

In this phase, brainstorming, consultation, and discussions will be done on the processing of clients’ requests for calamity assistance. Thus, the researcher was given the initial plan on how exactly to start the development of the web application.         


The researcher analyses/studies all the data/information gathered from reliable sources about accepting requests of the clients and analyzes the common problems that it may encounter.

System design

In the system design, the developer will consider the user-friendliness of the requests of the client in the web application.

Report and/or Broadcast Community Calamity Activities

Project Initialization and Planning

The researcher gathered and recorded all the necessary data for reporting and/or broadcasting the community calamity activities for the development of the web application.


The data gathered was based on the project’s aim to meet its requirements. Information of the beneficiary would be stored.

System design

The web application was conceptualized and modeled with suitable displays to any web browser or other web-based graphical user interfaces. It would correspond to its respective command functions.

Functionality on Generating Reports

Project Initialization and Planning

The researcher gathered and recorded all the necessary data of the functionality on generating reports for the development of the web application. The data collected were recorded and organized which was used for implementation.


The researcher had been engaged in a deep understanding of the flow of the project and the requirements of the system, especially on the volunteer side.

System design

The developer will consider the construction of the Graphical User Interface. With this, the admin will have easy access to the web application.

User with the PC device that is connected to the internet does the request going to the web servers. The web servers do the query of each record from the database servers and return the result set. The result set will be embedded to the web page generated by the web servers as the response. The response travels to the device of the client in the form of a web page making it more presentable to the user. To help you understand the description.


When the system undergoes a series of testing and the result has no bugs and no errors, the system is ready for implementation which will be then distributed to the specified client and it is ready for operation.


Designing the backbone application required proper analysis in order to provide a stable and efficient system, this includes database design which contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a data definition language, which can then be used to create a database.


username: admin

password: admin

Dynamic Voting System in PHP and MySQL


The system entitled “Dynamic Voting System in PHP and MySQL” is a platform that can be used both offline and online since the development tools for this project are used for web application development such as PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. The package contains the complete source code and database of the project.

The system is one of many examples of Electronic Voting Systems, using web technologies. Since it used web services, it simply means that it is a Web application that runs on the web browser and was written in a server-based programming language. A Web application supports multiple user accesses as long as the workstation has a web browser installed. This type of application may access by all workstations connected within the network but depends upon the configuration of the network of the system administrator. Almost all systems nowadays have embraced this type of application.

Client-Server Architecture

The proposed system will be designed to perform a client-server operation where both communicate over a computer network or on the same computer. The Student Affairs encodes the aspirant candidates for a specific year, the eligible students will cast their votes and many other tasks represent a client operation while the server operation includes management of data stored in the database, process request of the client, and retrieval of data from the users and generate various reports.

Online Voting Platform Student Information Encoding Page
Online Voting Platform Student Information Encoding Page

Development Tools:

PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap

Username: admin

Password: admin

Database: evoting.sql

For more information about the project, you may also visit the article that includes the different modules of the project.

Elearning System for Filipino Subject using PHP and MySQL

The purpose of this study is to provide an IT-based solution in the field of education. The researchers will create and develop an eLearning platform that will allow their faculty members to upload their lecture material and assess their students using the test and exam module of the project. In addition, the application is very helpful on the student side since they can now view and download their modules and take their examinations in their home.

Database schema

tbllogin(id, username, password, email, account_type(admin,student))

tblstudent(id, firstname, middlename, lastname, loginid)

tbllesson(id, topicname, yunit(yunit1, yunit2, yunit3, yunit4), contents, pdf)

tblquiz(id, lessonid, question, answer1, answer2, answer3, correctanswer,)

tblscore(id, tblquizid, score, numofitems, date)

System Flow

The flow of the system (administrator)

  1. Log in to the system
  2. Admin will encode the list of the students
  3. Admin will encode the list of the lessons
  4. Admin will encode the quizzes
  5. Admin can view the quiz result of the students

The flow of the system (student)

  1. Log in to the system
  2. Select lesson to view and take the quiz
  3. View result

username: admin

password: admin

database: 2017elearning_db.sql

Math Learning App in PHP and MySQL

The package includes the step by step tutorial on how to install and set up the project and the source code of the project.

System Features:

Dashboard – dashboard or sometimes refers to the control panel of the project or system it shows the statistics or the overview of the records.

Lesson Category – it refers to the subcategory or lessons.

Lesson Module – this includes the actual lessons and the teacher or admin can upload pdf and video presentations.

Quiz Module – it handles the list of questions group according to their respective lessons.

Student Information Module – the module in which the teacher registers the information of their students.

Student Score Module – this is the module in the admin part in which the teacher or admin can view the scores of their students.

Student Account Module – the student account module is where the student’s login in order to view the lessons and take the quizzes.

User Credentials

Username: admin

Password: admin

Database: learning.sql

Grading System with Online Grade Viewing

Database Schema (database design)

class (id, course, year, section, sem, teacher, subject)

log (id, date, activity)

student (id, studid, fname, lname)

studentsubject (id, studid, classid, att1, att2, att3, exam1, exam2, exam3, quiz1, quiz2, quiz3, project1, project2, project3)

subject (id, code, title)

teacher (id, teacherid, fname, lname)

userdata (id, username, password, fname, lname, level)

The download package includes the source code in PHP, User’s Manual and the database file as well.

Free Grading System in PHP and MySQL - Admin Dashboard
Free Grading System in PHP and MySQL – Admin Dashboard

System Features

The system has 3 users, the admin, teacher, and the students. The administrator has full access to the system, he/she is responsible for updating the class lists, encoding of subjects, managing the students and teachers’ information. The teacher can log in to the system and then view the list of subjects assigned to him/her, the teacher can also view and print their students, and finally can input the records of their students such as quizzes, projects, exams, etc. The student can log in to the system and can view their final grades and the details of their grades.

Web and Mobile Based Entrance Examination with SMS Notification

Features of the System

Guidance Counselor or Administrator

* Manage Questions (multiple choice – 4 choices)
* Manage Question Category (Math, General Info, Etc)
* Manage Student Registration (id, name, address, contact, or number, username, password)
* Manage Courses (courseid, coursename, passing score)
* Report (reports on the results of the exam , reports on all the passers (rank by highest to lowest) and recommend a course(s) based on the result)


* Register to the system using tablet or android devices ( name, address, contact, or number, username, password)
* Take and Submit Exam
* View Result and Receive SMS

Development Tools

PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, iTexMo SMS API


username: admin

password: admin

database name: entrance.sql

for more information please read this article

Web-Based Library System in PHP, MySQL

Database Schema

tblbook (id, isbn, bookTitle, bauthors, category, publisher, copyrightyear, bsection(circulation, reserved), noOfCopies, dateReceived, dateEncoded, encodedBy)

tblcategory (id, categoryName, description)

tblborrower (id, fname, mname, lname, contact, category (student, teacher,) courseid, image)

tblcourse (id, coursecode, coursename)

tblborrowedbook (id, bookid, borrowerid, dateborrowed, duedate, numCopies, status(returned, not), processedby, datereturned, receivedby)

tblfine (fineamount)

tbluser (id, username, password, fullname, contact, usertype (librarian, staff))


  1. SCRUD (create, update, delete)
    1. Book Info
    2. Category Info
    3. Borrower Info
    4. Course Info
    5. Update Fine Amount
    6. User Info
  2. Process Book Issue for borrowers (borrower can borrow more 1 one book)
  3. View/Print all borrowed book list
  4. View/Print all unreturned book list
  5. View/Print inventory of books
  6. View/Print Borrowers Card (all the books borrowed by the borrower)
  7. View/Print Book Card (list of borrowers who borrowed the book)
  8. Activity Log
  9. Process Fine
  10. View Violation of Students
  11. View/print User Log

Note: Staff can only encode information, can’t delete, update information

Step by step tutorial on how to install the system is also included in the package.

Web Based Grading System for High School using PHP and MySQL

Database schema

tblschoolyear (id, schoolyear)

tblyearlevel (id, yearlevel, description)

tblsubjects (id, subjectname, description, yearlevelid)

tblstudent (id, lname, fname, mname, contact, address, username, password)

tblclass (id, classname, schoolyearid, yearlevelid)

tblstudentclass (id, classid, studentid)

tblteacher (id, lname, fname, mname, contact, address, username, password)

tblteacheradvisory (id, teacherid, classid)

tblstudentgrade (id, studentid, schoolyearid, subjectid, classid, adviserid, 1stgrading, 2ndgrading, 3rdgrading, 4thgrading, gradeaverage, remarks )

Functionality by User Category


  • Manage (Create, Update, Delete) School Year
  • Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Year Level
  • Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Subjects
  • Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Students
  • Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Classes
  • Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Teachers
  • Set Advisory (Teacher to Class)
  • Backup Database


  • Login to System
  • Change username and password
  • Select school year, class and subject, then list of students for that class will be displayed
    • Example: school year: 2016-2017, class : 1A, subject: math1


  • Login to System
  • View Grades

Web Based Math Learning App in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap

Installation Procedure

  1. First upload the mathlearning folder to your C:\xampp\htdocs
  2. Open the Xampp Control Panel
  3. Start the Apache and MySQL Modules. Kill the process of Skype to prevent conflict with Apache. Make sure that the Apache and MySQL are running (green color is the indicator)
  4. Open now your browser (firefox, chrome) and type localhost/phpmyadmin
  5. Click the Database Tab and create a database and click Create button
  6. Open the newly create database. On your part, you don’t have tables. The next process are the following:
    1. Click the Import Tab
    2. Click Choose File button and browse and select the learning.sql, click Go button
  7. Open now your browser and type localhost/mathlearning

Online Grading System and Grade Viewing System

Administrator account

  1. Encode/update/delete subjects info (id, subjectname)
  2. Encode/update/delete class info Ex: BSIT 3-A (id, classname, sem)
  3. Encode/update/delete student (id, studentname)
  4. Student subject (id, studentid, subjected, classid) Ex: Juan Dela Cruz – BSIT 3-A – MATH 101 (this module will add a student to a certain class)
  5. Encode/update/delete teachers (id, teachername)
  6. Teacher load (id, teacherid, classid, sem)

Ex: John Doe – BSIT 3-A (this module will add the teacher to the certain class, which means all students under that class will be the students of the teacher)


  1. Select semester
  2. Teachers will view the class list assigned to that faculty
  3. When the teacher selects a class the list of subjects will appear in the (sample query: select subjects where class=class selected)
  4. When the subject is selected the list of students that takes that subject will display
  5. When the student is selected the teacher will encode grades to that student


  1. Login
  2. View Grades

Administrator Account


Teacher Account


Student Account


Shopping Cart Project in PHP and MySQL

System Features

Manage Item Information
Manage Chemical Information
Manage Supplier Information
Report of Inventory
User Activity Log

Username: admin
Password: admin

$host = ‘localhost’;
$user = ‘root’;
$pass = ”;
$db = ‘cinventory’;

***** CONFIGURATION ************
1. Change database settings in ‘data/db.php’
2. Change $base_url in ‘include/header.php’ line 3
3. Change Access Key in ‘data/data.php’ line 34

Online Shopping and Inventory System Customer Dashboard
Online Shopping and Inventory System Customer Dashboard

System Features


Users or Visitors of the system can view, shop or order products by category

Customers are required to fill-up the billing information (name, address, contact info)


Can manage products

Manage product categories

Manage or view unpaid orders, delivered orders and paid orders

database name: dbgadget

admin username: admin

password: admin

Change database config in db.php

Note: You can find sql file in database folder



Database Schema

tblAdmin (id, username, password, fullname)

tblStudentAccount (id, studin, lname, mname, fname, course, username, password)

tblAilments (id, ailmentname, description)

tblHerbal (id, herbalname, herbinfo, scientificname, localname, medicinalusage, howtouse, dosage, caution, ailmentid)

System Flow

Administrator (web version)

  1. Admin will encode student accounts
  2. Admin will encode the ailments
  3. Admin will encode the herbal information and what illness/ailment can it cure

Student (mobile/android version) (use apache cordova, jquery mobile or any other mobile based templates)

  1. can login to their account
  2. can view different ailments and the herbal plant that can remedy/cure it

The download package only includes the mobile version (offline) designed and developed using jQuery Mobile and Apache Cordova.

You may visit our facebook page for more information, inquiries, and comments.

Hire our team to do the project.

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