Project Context
The development of a computer-based record keeping system helps abreast the continuous demand for quality and efficient service. Releasing of records are very slow considering that records of a parishioner is stored in a filing cabinet most of them are unsorted. Putting the data of parishioners in the computerized database is one of the great advantages.
The Parish Office is offering the usual services that many of the parishioners have availed or can avail. Such services are mass schedule for the city chapels and center chapels, baptism services, wedding services, and blessings for houses and other acquired properties. With the computer-based record keeping every transaction on the said services will be beneficial considering that automation of services are the key features of the system.
With Parish Office Computer-Based Record Keeping System, inputs of data will be made faster, scheduling of masses will be easier, baptism and wedding and special blessings services can be reserved and scheduled quickly by the personnel of the said office. Furthermore, reports can be generated correctly and efficiently, such as baptismal certificates, pre-Cana seminar certificates, and marriage contracts.
Therefore, the usefulness and importance of this proposal is of great help not only for the personnel and priests but also to the entire parishioners of the Greater Parish.

Purpose and Description
The purpose of this project is to develop an acceptable system which will be intended for use by the personnel of Parish Office. It primary caters the services of the office. The Parish office is currently using a manual system for every transaction that is related to mass scheduling, wedding, christening and blessings.
The Parish Office Computer-Based Record Keeping System will enable transactions automated, updated and properly maintained to avoid hassle to the parishioners requesting a copy of baptismal and marriage contracts.
This study aims to develop an efficient and useful Record Keeping System for the Parish Office.
Specifically, the implementation of the record keeping system will be able:
- To automate the manually maintained existing system of the office particularly to the every transaction related to baptism and wedding.
- To provide accurate information of the baptismal certificate.
- To produce record keeping concerning the marriage contract details, baptismal certificates.
- To save time, money and efforts.
Scope and Limitation
The system will be able to:
- Add, modify and delete record of children for baptism;
- Add, update and remove records of married couple.
- Add, edit, and delete confirmation and death records.
- Add, modify, delete schedule of masses by priest in the Parish.
- Add, edit, and remove schedule of blessing for the acquired properties of the parishioners as per request.
- Provide baptismal certificate reports, marriage contract reports, and list of scheduled masses and blessings.
Available in Visual Basic 6/.net, Web and C# is still on going.