Online Teacher Evaluation System using PHP
The human resource department is currently using the manual process of teacher evaluation and it causes the said department of doing heavy task to conduct and process the teaching effectiveness report.
On the present situation, the performance of the teachers were poorly evaluated and monitored before, during and after every period of the academic year. Although Human Resource and Department Admins would evaluate them, it is a very ideal thing for them to accomplish every evaluation of the teachers regularly to update their performance on the area of teaching effectiveness.

The Human Resource Management Office used to have a process of manual performance evaluation system. The employee evaluators manage/conduct the manual system and other staffs of Human Resource Management Office are the one who compute the results of performance evaluation. During the process, it takes time to do all paper works and the validity of results. There are also some instances that some documents are being misplaced and lack of security.
With the above presented concerns, the HR department is about to embrace computerization to solve their problems on task speedy accomplishment without comprising accuracy results. So, the researchers proposed the Online Teacher Evaluation System. It is web-based tools that will be designed according to the specifications and requirements of the school.
The purpose of the study is to improve, develop, and implement the proposed system that will help the organization in developing Online Teacher Evaluation System. It presents a new aspect of developing the study including on the different services. Through using Tablets to survey, it can make the school effective and efficient in terms of technology.
The researcher used the Rapid Application Development model for the proposed system. By undergoing to each phase of RAD Model, the researcher has to find the idea of what are the needs of the respondents that the researcher must provide through the use of the proposed system. As what the researcher had observed, the process of conducting and report generation is manual. However, the researcher decided to propose a system entitled Online Teacher Evaluation System whereas, through this system the process of conducting evaluation up to the reports generation will be automated. Through the help of technology specifically the Internet, the researcher will create an online application to which the Students will have to create an account. For the students, they will create an account in order to evaluate their teachers online. For the teachers, they will create an account for them to view their rating. The administrator account will come from the HR department for they are the department in charge for this type of school work.
- Login, logout, Change Password,
- Can Add, update and delete professor and student
- Can Add, edit, delete subject Schedule
- Can add, update, and delete evaluation questions.
- Can evaluate certain professors per subject.
- Can see the result
- Login, logout, Change Password,
- View Evaluation for specific Subjects
- Login, logout, Change Password,
- Can View his/her total Ratings per subjects
Screenshots of the System

Software Requirements for development
The following software applications are used for developing the system.
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor an open source, server-side, HTML embedded scripting language use to create dynamic web pages. PHP can perform any the task that any CGI program can do, but its strength lies in its compatibility with many types of database.
HTML: Hypertext markup language defines the structure and layout of a web document by using a variety of tags and attributes.
JAVA SCRIPT: Java script can interact with the HTML source code enabling Web authors to spice up their site with dynamic content. Java script is endorsed by a number of software companies and is an open language that anyone can use.
XAMPP: A free and open source cross-platform web server package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages (
Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are put forward:
- The Human Resource Department will consider implementing the system to properly execute the tedious process of evaluation; however, it requires training to the end-users on how to use the system.
- It is also recommended that similar study may be conducted to assess further the effectiveness and usefulness of the developed system.
for the sourcecode and documentation you may contact the developer of the system
Patrick Tandoc Sarmiento