Online Platform for Real-Estate Business
Table of Contents
Technology is known as the catalyst for change that took place in different business industries and institutions. As one of the business industries, the real estate market is no exception to these changes. Technologies like computers and phones easily and quickly connect which makes real estate businesses operate anywhere.
The researchers conducted the study to gather information about the current system of real-estate businesses. The researchers have found that real-estate businesses still use the traditional marketing strategy that is ineffective and will not significantly increase the revenue of the business. The researchers will propose a system that will transform the traditional business operation into an electronic one.
The capstone project, entitled “Online Platform for Real-Estate Business” is designed as a centralized platform where real-estate business transactions and operations are done. The said project will allow real-estate businesses to market their properties to a wider range of buyers. The tough competition in the real estate market prompted those in the field of real estate business to employ technology as an advantage to their marketing strategy.
The development of the project will change agent-buyer interactions. The data that is available in the online platform is easily accessible that allows clients to significantly narrow their searches and pick their best properties. The development of the online platform can give the real-estate company an edge versus other real-estate businesses. The platform can help in attracting a more serious, affluent clientele.
The developed system is highly recommended for it is seen as an effective platform for real estate business marketing. It will help the business to recur increased revenue from existing clients as well as from new clients.

The capstone project entitled “Online Platform for Real-Estate Business” is intended to electronically transform real-estate business. The online platform can reach more buyers and ease up transactions between the real-estate agent and the client.
Nowadays, there is tough competition in real-estate businesses making real-estate companies advance their marketing strategy. Since real estate company heavily relies on recurring revenue from existing clients as well as additional revenue from new clients to survive and grow. Retaining and attracting new customers necessitates them to come up with a marketing strategy with defined objectives and a target market. The real-estate businesses are in the continued search for an effective marketing strategy to reach a wider range of prospective customers and boost engagement.
Proposed Solution
The researchers of the study proposed an Online Platform for Real-Estate businesses for it is seen as an effective marketing strategy. The real-estate agent can market their properties online by posting great photos of the properties to entice buyers and information about the properties will also be highly accessible and available by using the online platform. The client can conveniently browse for their desired properties as well as with making transactions to the agent. The online platform can give the real-estate company an edge versus other real-estate businesses. The platform can help in attracting a more serious, affluent clientele.

Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The main goal of the project is to develop an online platform for real-estate businesses to reach a wide range of buyers and ease up transactions.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To develop a system that will transform the traditional real-estate business into an electronic one.
- The system will let buyers conveniently browse properties online.
- The system will let the client visualize the property.
- The project is an effective platform for marketing and attracting the client.
- The system will let real-estate agents and clients communicate and make a transaction.
- To develop a system that is easy to operate and should be completed within a short period of time and must fit with the budget of the end-user.
- Complete the development of the system according to the timeframe or project schedule.
- To produce documentation that records the phases, tasks, and deliverables of the study.
Scope of the Study
The project is only intended to be used by those who are in the real-estate business. The researchers will develop a project that mainly focuses on allowing real-estate business to electronically market their properties. The online platform will reach a larger number of customers due to its accessibility and availability for the users. The intended users of the said system are real-estate agents and buyers.

Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following:
Real-estate Companies. If they will use the online platform in their business they can gain an edge over other companies who are also in the field of the real-estate business.
Real-estate Agent. The online platform can help them reach more clients. By having this platform, they can easily market their business as well as providing convenient transactions to the buyers.
Clients. The online platform can help them easily and conveniently browse for properties.
Researchers. The success of the project will contribute to their knowledge as programmers.
Future Researchers. They can use the study as a basis if they also wish to make their version of the project.

The tough competition in real-estate businesses made real-estate companies advance their marketing strategy. The researchers conducted the study to develop an online platform for real-estate businesses. The developed system was presented to its intended users for assessment. The result of the study showed that the developed system provides the needs and requirements of the respondents and intended users. The majority of the project’s respondents have seen the efficiency and reliability of the system in streamlining real-estate business marketing.
Thus, the researchers concluded that the developed system is an effective tool for real-estate businesses. The developed system allows clients to significantly narrow their searches and pick their best choice of properties. The development of the online platform can give the real-estate company an edge versus other real-estate businesses. The platform can help in attracting a more serious, affluent clientele.
The significant result of the study prompted the researchers to strongly recommend the implementation of the system. The system is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the intended users. The system will improve the services and overall experience of real-estate buyers. The developed system will significantly change the agent-buyer transaction. The researchers highlight the importance of having enough knowledge on how to properly utilize and operate the system.
The researchers specifically recommend the following:
- The researchers strongly suggest that the system should be used by real-estate businesses to advance their marketing strategy and improve their businesses’ efficiency.
- The researchers suggest that real-estate buyers should use the online platform to easily and conveniently browse for properties.
- The implementation of the system will effectively transform agent-buyer transactions.
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