Online Platform for Information Dissemination Review of Related Literature
Simple Machine Forum is a BBS application with free, professional grade software package that allows setting up your own online community to provide with all the features you need from a bulletin board while having an absolute minimal impact on the resources of the server. It is the next generation of forum software – and best of all it is and will always remain completely free. Online Platform for Information Dissemination is quite concentrating in school activities. Both Online Platform for Information Dissemination and SMF are using PHP language and MySQL database.

Foreign System
St. Joseph Hospital Online Event System
According to Stewart, David in late 1972 states that the St. Joseph Hospital holds community events such as lectures, classes, support groups and fundraising socials. The staff had only a manual system for notifying interested parties that new events were scheduled. Additionally, enrollment in such events was handled via 2-4 people on staff who had to fit scheduling into the many other tasks of any given day. Attendance was poorly tracked and payment for classes often fell through the cracks. Needless to say, the staff was exhausted and the management unhappy with the complexity of organizing a community event.
With successful projects such as the Content Management System and the Online Gift Shop completed, St Joseph Hospital sought Scorpion Healthcare to create a system that helped them easily manage all aspects of event planning: scheduling, enrollment, payment processing and attendance.
Using Microsoft’s .NET platform, Scorpion Healthcare quickly developed a fully functioning event system. The event system was integrated with their website and provided visitors an electronic method for the enrollment and management of events that interested them. When the project was completed, St. Joseph Hospital noted a substantial reduction in the man hours required to host an event. Employees were happier that their focus could be placed on more pressing issues, and management was thrilled that enrollment fees were up while costs were reduced.
This Online Event system shows the flow of information in the respective hospital and using Microsoft’s Net platform. The staff had only a manual system for notifying interested parties that new events were scheduled but later on, Scorpion Healthcare create a system that helped them easily manage all aspects of event planning: scheduling, enrollment, payment processing and attendance. Online Platform for Information Dissemination is applicable only for students and faculty and staff. We formulated the system using PHP, HTML language and MySQL database creating a functional and productive website to encourage students to impart their ideas through feedback.
Clark University Bulletin Board System
According to Thompson, Frank in the year 1960, the CUBBS is an electronic bulletin board systems that uses digital signage software to broadcast important information to Clark students, faculty, and staff onto select displays located across campus. Currently there are CUBBS displays on the Plaza Level of the Academic Commons. Additional displays will be added as resources allow.
CUBBS is here to help you get the word out about your group, event, award, or anything Clark related. The guidelines described in this policy will help ensure CUBBS communication to Clark students, faculty and staff is professional, clear and relevant. These guidelines are administered and enforced by Information Technology Services Group.
Only registered student organizations, campus governance units, academic units, campus departments/offices, and University committees are permitted to display content on CUBBS. All content must be Clark related. The creation of content for display on CUBBS is the responsibility of the group/organization presenting the information to the campus community.
In order to post an announcement, you must be a member of authority for a registered student club/organization, campus governance unit, academic unit, campus departments/office or University committee to display content on CUBBS. Only one message per event, promotion or activity is permitted; and depending on the utilization of the system, groups/organizations may be limited to up to three messages at any one time. All messages must be for the benefit of the Clark community and will be reviewed for appropriateness and content prior to posting on the system.
Online Platform for Information Dissemination is an online website that contains activities that is intended only for the students and faculty and staff. CUBBS and Online Platform for Information Dissemination have something in common in terms of accessing the website, posting messages or comments related to the college. The difference between CUBBS from Online Platform for Information Dissemination is that CUBBS requires the online submission of digital videos and digital slides with the corresponding appropriateness and content prior to the system. In posting the digital videos and digital slides, it has a start and end date not exceeding 14 days while Online Platform for Information Dissemination only viewing and giving comments through feedback but with relation to the events posted.
Local system
Bulletin board system (BBS)
According to Scott, Justin in 1998 Bulletin Board System (BBS) is a computer or an application dedicated to the sharing or exchange of messages or other files on a network. Originally an electronic version of the type of bulletin board found in the work places, the BBS was used to post simple messages between users.
A BBS may be accessible from a dial-up modem, TELNET, or the Internet. Because it originated before the graphical user interface (GUI) became prevalent, the BBS interface was text-based. Although recent Web-based versions have a graphical, interactive user interface, the text-only interface preferred by BBS purists can often be accessed by Telnet. Most BBS’s are devoted to a particular subject, although some are more general in nature. A significant number of BBS sites offer “adult-oriented” chat and images that can be downloaded. The BBS is often free, although some charge a membership or use fee. Many BBS’s have Web sites, and many Internet access providers have bulletin board systems from which new Internet users can download the necessary software to get connected. Online chat became widely popular through the BBS and many chat acronyms originated there.
The first BBS, called the Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS), was created in 1978 by Ward Christensen and Randy Suess. When CBBS went online, it became the first computer-based community, other than timesharing systems. An article by Christensen and Suess published in Byte magazine described CBBS and outlined the technology they had used to develop it, sparking the creation of many tens of thousands of BBSes all over the world
The Bulletin Board System is a computer or an application dedicated to the sharing or exchange of messages or other files on a network. It is also used to post simple messages between users and may be accessible from a dial-up modem, TELNET, or the Internet. Information Board System is capable of sharing and exchanging related messages to the event accessible via internet just like the Bulletin Board System. Online chat is not included in our system and it is the difference of the BBS from Information Board System.
After the foregoing findings and conclusions the researchers gathered all the recommendations about the system as follows:
- The School may consider implementing the system to help the users in terms of posting announcements and reduction of expenses in dissemination of announcements.
- Implementation of the system will help to promote and encourage the students to participate in activities and other important announcement posted.
- It is also recommended that the system meet the needs of the students in terms of interactivity, organized, secured and usefulness of the system.
Credits to the authors and developers of the study/project
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