Online Instructional Learning Platform for K-12
The project entitled Online Instructional Learning Platform for K-12 is an alternative way of providing the students the lessons and activities for their subjects using the internet and other ICT materials. In this platform, the teachers can upload their lessons (power point and video presentation), assignments and activities. Students will be able to read and browse the uploaded materials by their teachers. Parents are also part of the system; they can use the system to monitor the progress of their children.

The said project is available in PHP and MySQL, CMS version in WordPress is also available. Full documentation of the project is also part of the package.
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Existing studies/Prior art
System and Method for Compiling and Distributing Modular Publishing and Instructions Materials in an Electronic Environment
Abstract of EP 1324212 (A2)
The disclosed systems and methods for computer aided instruction and electronic publishing employ modular design approaches whereby instructional and informational content is broken into multi-level objects including self-contained electronic learning and electronic content objects. The system and method facilitates the development, maintenance and modification of course and publication content because they may be advantageously located centrally in a large library of independent electronic learning and electronic content objects that serve as building blocks for electronic courses and publications. Modular CAI systems and methods of the invention can be used to monitor student progress both by administering examinations and tracking what content particular students have accessed and/or reviewed.; In preferred embodiments, the invention includes authors using the Internet-accessed tools and templates to compile instructional and informational content, and the subsequent delivery of web-based instructional or informational content to end users such that the end users can receive and review such content using computing devices running standard web browsing applications.
Compiling and Distributing Modular Electronic Publishing and Electronic Instruction Materials
Abstract of US 2003163784 (A1)
The disclosed systems and methods for computer aided instruction and electronic publishing employ modular design approaches whereby instructional and informational content is broken into multi-level objects including self-contained electronic learning and electronic content objects. The system and method facilitates the development, maintenance and modification of course and publication content because they may be advantageously located centrally in a large library of independent electronic learning and electronic content objects that serve as building blocks for electronic courses and publications. Modular CAI systems and methods of the invention can be used to monitor student progress both by administering examinations and tracking what content particular students have accessed and/or reviewed. In preferred embodiments, the invention includes authors using the Internet-accessed tools and templates to compile instructional and informational content, and the subsequent delivery of web-based instructional or informational content to end users such that the end users can receive and review such content using computing devices running standard web browsing applications.
Cased-Based, Agent-Assisted Learning System and Method
A case-based, agent-assisted learning tool is described that operates from a remote terminal. The case-based, agent-assisted learning tool permits delivery of animated pedagogical agent technology to remote terminals. The case-based agent-assisted learning approach supports collaborative instruction of multiple students working together. Each problem is presented as a simulated “case” which the students must solve. The agent at a remote terminal is provided with just enough knowledge of the subject matter to be able to handle the case appropriately. This simplified approach makes it possible to download to the remote computer on demand just the information needed to enable the pedagogical agent to support the student’s learning activities. This in turn makes it possible to integrate case-based agent-assisted learning with Web-based instructional materials.; The case-based agent-assisted learning approach is capable of a wide range of pedagogical interactions, including question answering, hinting, opportunistic instruction, and referrals to background literature. ( of WO 0067223 (A2)
The literatures and existing prior arts that presented in this chapter gave sufficient information to the researchers and provide ideas that serve us the guide for the study of this system.
The concepts of the study on the interactive web-based learning materials help motivate students and support various learning techniques. Educators desire to maintain continuity in a time-limited classroom and aims to furnish the student knowledge in efficiently and effectively, must strive to challenge gifted students while helping striving students succeed. A big advantage of web-based instruction is the ability to provide one-to-one tutoring in a self-paced learning environment;
This study will greatly give advancement to the K-12 students, for the challenges faced by educators’ concern redefining literacy in terms of the new skills and competencies that will be relevant to a more international and increasingly technological society; however the availability of internet and YouTube connections are needed for this study to carry out its benefits.
Credits to the authors and developers of the research project.
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