Background of the Study
Computerizations and system development have made possible solutions for the operations of the computer easy enough in processing record systems such as, creation of data records, storing, filing and retrieval of data. The [state the name of the school/college/academic institution] had increased in student`s population and at the same time, the number of works of the registrar and student`s grades to be processed has also increased. The registrar office encoded the grades of the students once the instructors submitted their report card. The registrar office will release the grades of the students after they encode and the students can get their grades from the registrar office. One of the responsibilities of the registrar office is to keep the student`s grades data secured for their records and purposes. As the number of students increases, using a manual process in grade distribution is not reliable. It will take an hour or days to release grades to every student for record or enrollment purposes. These process of grades inquiry was inconvenient, tiresome and at common instance time consuming and costly. The students need to go directly to their respective instructor in order to inquire and get their grades for later purposes. To ease these difficulties in getting and viewing their grades, a student can now login using his/her logon credentials on the website. Since internet service seems to be a positive feature which most individual`s engage, and access almost in all places via an internet capable mobile phones or a regular computer, it is therefore an extremely effective means of transporting grade information to them quicker and easier.

Hence, the researcher came with an idea of developing an Online Grade inquiry system which is based on a website. This will eventually help in providing an efficient and accurate grade reports to the students with a minimal effort to exert in knowing their grade details every end of the semester. Moreover, student’s grades were encoded directly in the online grade inquiry system database. Students will able to view their grades anywhere and anytime provided that they have an internet connection by using an internet capable phone or a computer. Upon viewing, they will be able to print for themselves a computer generated summary of their grades for the said semester.
Generally, this study generally aims to develop an ONLINE GRADE INQUIRY SYSTEM for [state the name of the school/college/academic institution].
Specifically the study aims to;
- Develop an online grade inquiry system using html5, php and mysql.
- Provide grade details of every student on a specified semester and school year.
- Enable instructors encode their student’s grades online.
- Evaluate the developed system in terms of its accessibility, navigation, design, content and security.
This study was made to find out that the use of online grade inquiry system will enhance the process on the releasing of grades to the students. This study will benefit the following key personnel’s:
- Teachers of [state the name of the school/college/academic institution] it can help them encode the grades of students for each subject area through online grading system.
- Students of [state the name of the school/college/academic institution] it can help them to inquire their grades in a more efficient way. They can get their summary of grades through the website and be able to print it on a paper form report.
- Registrar of [state the name of the school/college/academic institution] it can help them to lessen their tasks in preparing of summary of grades of the students.
Scope The request of the grades can be done through any network of internet connection using a regular computer or mobile phones. The website supports aut0-responsive mechanics which means the site could be opened using an internet capable phone. The registrar can set activity announcement, course, day, rooms, school year , semester ,subjects , time and unit The registrar can also add grades, load subjects, add students and add instructor details. The registrar can add teacher details. The instructors can encode grades of the students on the database of the hosted online grade inquiry system. Only the registered students are qualified to inquire their grades. The students can inquire grades via the website by entering their login credentials. Limitation it cannot be used for conversation. If the instructor submitted wrong grades of student, the online system is not reliable in human error. The grade encoding process relies on Internet connection. The system was only hosted using a free domain service and is not running an actual domain service.

- DATABASE is systematically organized or structured repository of indexed information (usually as a group of linked data files) that allows easy retrieval, updating, analysis, and output of data.
- ENCODE to convert (a message) from plain text into code.
- GRADES an accepted level or standard of institution.
- INQUIRY a seeking for information by asking questions.
- ONLINE computer or device connected to a network (such as Internet) and ready to use (or be used by) other computers or devices.
- PHP a server side type of programming which suitable for the creation of web pages. · WEB a complex system of interconnected elements.
- CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language.
- HTML5 is a core technology markup language of the Internet used for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web. · DREAMWEAVER -front end software used in designing the system and coding. PHPMYADMIN – a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web.
- WAMPP -windows web development environment it allows you to create web applications with Apache2, Php and a MySQL database.

Credits to the researchers and developers of the project
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